nineteen | the return

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"So you mean to tell me she's working at that goddamn magazine place & going to school?" Mr. Bigs let out a cloud of smoke before chuckling. "Mr. Curry must think he's doing the girl a big favor. Thank you for this. I'll take care of it as soon as possible."


Heart let out a huge sigh as she plopped herself onto the couch at the apartment. Exhausted from the first week of school & work, she felt like she couldn't move anymore. Or, if she even wanted to.

Her plan for today was to clean up around the apartment because she's been slowly looking up other places she could potentially live at. This apartment, of course, holds a lot of love & memories despite the negativity. Without her aunt and Logan around, she didn't feel like this was home anymore. & Even if they were around, one of her biggest goals in life was to pick them up & move to a better place so they could all get a refreshing start. Though at this moment, she has no idea what's going on with her aunt or Logan.

No one wants to give her any information, no matter how hard she tried.

As she picked up a picture of her and Logan sitting on a night stand outside in the living room, she felt the loneliness creeping up on her. Stephen had left the day after their date night for another mini roadtrip. Although he'd be back late tonight, she was sad knowing he'd have to leave again. & This time, for quite awhile. He offered for her to stay at his while he was gone and she gladly accepted, but she still didn't feel the most safe without Stephen being around. Or, even Jomari.

Hearing her phone ring on the other side of the room, she hopped over her things to grab the phone, stubbing her toe in the process.

"Ow, shit! Hello?" Heart says as she gathers herself, silently wincing in pain.

"You okay there?" Stephen chuckled.

"I'm fine. What's up Wardell?"

"Nothing, just have a little downtime before the game. How was your day, baby?" She smiled to herself as the puppy name gave her the biggest butterflies.

"Good, exhausting. This week was something else."

"Something else in a good or bad way?"

"Good. Just have to get used to the routine."

"Ah. My working FIDM girl. Make room for some downtime with your boyfriend in your planner."

"Yeah, of course. I'll need his TLC a lot more now that school is kicking in too."

"Roger that, sweetheart. I'm on it when I get home."

"I can't wait till you get back."

"I can't either."

"How was the trip though?"

"Good. But I'm burnt out, to tell you the truth."

"Aw. I bet. Back to back life is rough, isn't it?" She chuckled.

"Yeah, but it gets easier knowing you got something good to come home to."

"You're so sweet. Well, I'm glad."

He sighs as he stretches. "Damn. I gotta start getting ready for this game. I'll see you tonight alright, sweetheart?"

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