fourteen | san quentin

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Heart giggled as she spun around in her outfit in front of Stephen's bed. She had on a black, leather skater skirt with a fitting, heather grey turtleneck tucked in. He sat on the end of the bed, enjoying every minute of her presence early in the morning.

"You're so cute." He laughed as he pulled her closer to him.

"I'm going to be late, Wardell. Let me go." She giggled some more, throwing playful hits at his shoulder.

"Come on, baby girl. I'm not going to see you for a couple of days. Give me some love." He pouted as he rubbed her back.

"Fine." She cupped his face with her hands, planting a kiss on his plump, pink lips.


Heart was snapped out of her daydreaming when Christen entered the conference room. She was watching a couple of training videos that took up damn near the whole morning.

"How's it going?"

"Good." She smiled, hoping her boss didn't catch her daydreaming of the man currently in her life.

"I just have a couple of more papers for you to fill out. Once the videos are down, come get me and then I'll show you around." Heart simply nodded and watched her walk out of the room. She bit onto her bottom lip as she proceeded to think about last night. She was suddenly missing the reigning MVP's presence.


She sipped on her coffee as she filled out the rest of the papers and continued to watch the videos. After, she took the time to stretch and find Christen so she could get a tour of the whole office. She was pretty overwhelmed with all the people she met, but everyone was super nice. She knew she would like working in this kind of environment; the kind of environment where she was actually treated like a real person/woman and not just some sexual object.

The day wasn't too long for Heart, but she wished she could learn more. She had fun doing little things around the office here and there, especially knowing she'd be more involved after the training period. She also got to sit in a couple of meetings throughout the day and listen to ideas for the next issue they were planing. The creativity was running through her mind and she wished Stephen was around so she could let everything out and squeal in joy.


"Wardell!" She yelled over the phone like a little girl, making the man laugh on the other line.

"What's up, princess? How was your first day?"

"Ugh, amazing. I wish you were here so I could tell you all about it."

"You can right now, I still have time before I gotta head to the arena."

"There's too much."

"You sound so happy. Damn, I wish I could do that." She chuckled.

"I watched a ton of videos, filled out some paperwork, took a tour of the office. Hmm." She gathered her thoughts as she got into the car. "I sat in a couple of meetings to listen about their ideas for the next issue. And I licked some envelopes."

"You licked what?"

"Some envelopes."

"You should be licking something else."

"Wardell!" She shrieked and laughed with him.

"I'm just kidding. Kind of. But that's good, my love. I'm so glad you're happy."

"I miss you." She managed to spit out. She never found herself as an affectionate partner, but here she was, spilling her feelings out to the man.

"I miss you too. I'll be home before you know it. What are you doing for the rest of the day?" As he asked, the one thing popped into her head: Jomari. She wanted to pay him a visit while she could and spend some time since it's been awhile since she last visited him.

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