twenty four | assumptions

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Stephen clenched his jaw and felt his temperature rise. "Look, I-I only did it to protect you and because--" Klay continued to stumble upon his words, but Steph didn't want any more of it.

"You filthy son of a bitch!" He lunged at Klay and swung his arms at him. Klay was caught so off guard that he found himself on the floor, trying his hardest to get out of the 6'3 point guard's grip. 

"Aye!" Draymond yelled as he ran from the tunnel. "Damn, I take a piss and all hell breaks loose." He muttered to himself as he got closer to the two and broke them up. "Aye! Ya'll better break it up!" He stood in the middle, the attention from everyone now turned to the three of them.

"Why the fuck would you do that? That girl was going through it with him!" Stephen yelled as Klay wiped the blood coming from his lip."I told you this from the beginning Klay!" He tried throwing himself at him once more, only to get held back by Bogut.

"Stephen, I'm sorry. I was just concerned about your well being. I didn't want you to get hurt or get in trouble--"

"She wasn't the problem!" 

"What's going on, you two?" Coach Kerr approached the two, his forehead scrunched and his arms folded together.

"You were supposed to be my bestfriend and be happy for me! You took the only thing that kept me sane." Steph ran his hand through his hair as he became more frustrated and groaned. "You're fucking cold, I hope you know that. You're sick. Stay the hell away from me." He spat before he turned to walk away. Draymond watched Stephen curse to himself and punch the wall as he approached the tunnel.

"You know how much that girl means to him, Klay."

"Man, I really didn't think it'd get this bad. I'll try and help him figure it out, I just thought I was doing him a favor."

"A favor? By taking away his girl and giving her back the life she wanted out from? Real coo favor, bruh." Dray said sarcastically as he shook his head and sighed.

"Fuck." Klay winced in pain. 

"That man has been there for you through thick & thin. He's grown, he can take care of himself. Besides. You didn't even give her a chance. She's a sweetheart."

"I know, I was just--"

"You was just nothing but jumping to conclusions."


"You fucked up. That girl's life is in danger whenever she's with Bigs, get that through your thick ass skull. You better help fix this."

"I get it, alright?" Klay said sternly as he sat to get himself together. "I'm gonna go talk to him."

"No." Dray held his hand out to prevent Klay from standing. "He can't stand yo' ass right now. Give him time to simmer and check up on him later."

"I guess."

"Why did you really do it?"

"I told you. I was just trying to protect him. Bigs was talking all this mess about going after him and shit because of Heart. I didn't want anything drastic to happen."

"Did it ever occur to you that Bigs was the issue?"


"Dumb." He shook his head before walking away to speak to Coach Kerr. The guilt hit Klay terribly when he heard Stephen and Draymond talking in the locker room. He honestly thought he was helping the situation, but now, everything seemed to escalate in the worst ways. 

He felt like shit.

It was his fault Stephen was depressed and heartbroken. It was his fault Heart was in danger. This isn't what he wanted. He just thought he was doing what was best. 

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