thirty six | drunk texts

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Stephen comfortably sat on the bus that would bring the team to their hotel for the first stop on this 3-game road trip. He took up both seats, putting his legs up on the seat next to him as he laid his head against the window. He pulled out his phone and instantly checked the snapchats sent from his girlfriend back home. He smiled to himself going through the rest of her snapchats before pulling out his headphones.

"Hello?" He smiled to himself hearing Heart's tired, but still rather cute voice on the other line.

"Hey baby, whatcha doin'?"

"Just finishing up some work and watching Friends." She laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

"This show. It's so funny." She continued to laugh. "I'm sorry. What are you up to, love?"

"No worries, baby girl. I'm down to hear your laugh." He chuckled. "But I just got on this bus. We're about to head to our hotel."


"Eh, it's alright. I saw your snapchats." He smiled to himself. "You're so cute."

"Thank you. But you didn't even respond."

"I'm sorry, I will. I just don't have anything snapchat-worthy."

"Your face, maybe?"

"Alright, alright. I will. What are your plans for the weekend?"

"Spend time with Logan. Maybe do a little shopping."

"Shopping, huh?"

"Mhm, Victoria Secret has a sale going on."

"7 for 27.50 panties?" He chuckled, earning a strange look from Draymond from the seat in front of him. "What?" He mouthed out to the man.

"Yessir, you are soooo correct."

"That's exciting. Can't wait to see 'em."

"Please." Draymond said, his attention fully on Steph. Steph rolled his eyes as Draymond continued to watch the two talk.

"I miss you." Steph twirled the cord from his headphones around his finger.

"I miss you too."

"Hey Heart, I miss you." Draymond said loudly in a sing-song voice, almost for all of the team to hear. Following his statement, the rest of the team started to throw out their hello's to Heart, making her chuckle in the background.

"Wow. I didn't think I was too big of a deal."

"Trust me, sweetie. You are."

"Well, tell them I said hi. And tell Draymond I said he's a sweetie bear!"

"No, you only call me that."

"Well okay, suit yourself babe." She laughed. "I gotta go, I'm getting a bit hungry. FaceTime me later tonight when you're settled?"

"Alright. I love you, beautiful."

"I love you too." With that, the call ends. Steph silently exchanged looks with Draymond in front of him before he fixed his hood over his face and closed his eyes. "Not today, Dray."

"I wasn't gon' say anything."

"Then why do you insist on staring?"

"I can't look at you?"

"No, not really."

"Why didn't you bring Heart on our trip?"

"She has work to do. And she said she wants to spend time with Logan."

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