twenty | the typical boy

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Heart ran over to the next room of the studio to prepare the clothes for the next model. It's been a busy day for her, and quite frankly, all she wanted to do was lie in bed and get her life together. School was already picking up quick and so was work. For work today, she had to accompany a shoot and prep the models for their pictures. Meaning, she had to run around and get their clothes and shoes together and fix anything that seemed wrong with them. She didn't mind, though. This was an interest of her and Christen put her in this position for that exact reason. 

"Ow, fuck." She said as she accidentally stabbed herself with a clothes pin. The male model looked down at her, arching his eyebrow. 

"You okay there, Miss?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks." She continued to fix his clothing.

"You're Heart, right?"

"Mhm." She replied, a bit uninterested in making friends with a male model. It's not that she didn't like him or anything, but to her, models always came off as if they were better than everybody. And she wasn't feeling that.

"No harm, Miss Heart. I just knew you looked familiar. My name is Jake."

"Cool. Let me guess, I'm familiar because of Stephen?" She arched her eyebrow as she stood to fix his collar.

"Yeah, pretty much. You're very beautiful in person."


"I'm sure there's other things about you that are quite nice." He winked, making Heart roll her eyes. It honestly made her very upset that a man would actually approach a woman like that. She's been blessed with men who treated her well, but she could only imagine how most of these guys approach other women who don't deserve it. It was disgusting. But, since she was on the job, she knew it was better to keep quiet and blow it off.

She didn't want to cause a scene and allow the Bay in here to come out. They wouldn't be ready.

Her facial expression must have continued to be bitter because Jake scrunched his eyebrows, confused. But by the time Heart walked away, they started to take the pictures. Heart stood back, in case the photographers needed more help. She scrolled through her phone quickly and although she wanted to wait, she had to look at Stephen's snapchats to help her get through the day. She smiled at his silliness, quickly snapping a snapchat for him in response. 

It's only been a couple of days & she was already going crazy. She didn't know how she could get through these next two weeks without him.

By the end of the day, she continued to pack the rest of the clothes and shoes in the cases provided so it could be taken away and taken back to Allure. She was beyond exhausted and her body felt heavy so it was taking her awhile, making her feel bad for the man who had to wait so he could haul it all back. 

You would've thought she was used to things by now, but she wasn't. She was hoping she wasn't getting sick either because her exhaustion was at an all time high today.

"What's up, baby?" She smiled as she heard Steph's voice on the other line.

"Hey Wardell."

"I hope school and work weren't too hard on you today."

"Oh god, I'm exhausted. I hope I'm not getting sick."

"Sheesh. I hope you aren't either. Go get yourself some tea and soup. Tackle that while you can, you hear?" She chuckled.

"I know, I know."

"Hey, Heart!" Jake yelled as he ran to catch up to her. She rolled her eyes once more as she approached her car and opened the door. "Wait!"

"Who's that?" She sighed.

"Some model I worked with today. Hold on, Wardell." She muted the phone before putting it down to her side. "What is it, Jake? I got things to do & people to speak to, you know?"

"I know, but I just wanted to apologize, I didn't think I said anything wrong--"

"Really? I don't mean to sound like a mom, but come on now, you don't come at a women talking about how nice her goodies may be and wink about it. I don't even know you."

"I know, it came out wrong, but I really meant it in an innocent way. I wasn't trying to-"

"Alright, well have a great day." She cut him off as she smiled and slipped herself into the car. "Hello?"

"What was that about?"

"Some model I worked with thought he was being slick with his words." Stephen chuckled.

"Ahh. The typical boy. I should come with you to work one day. Let me see him."

"Wardell." She chuckled. "Don't worry. I can take care of myself, too."

"I know, but I like being protective of what's mine." 

"You're too much. Can you come home already?"

"I wish I could, baby. I wish I could. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"Why don't you hang out with Jomari?"

"Maybe, but he's been busy trying to fix things with his mom and I really want him too."

"Aw, well that's good too."

"It'd be nice to have Logan around."

"I know, sweetheart. I know. Don't stress about it too much, okay? We'll figure this out and get that boy back. 

"Thank you." She smiled to herself.

"You making your way home right now?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Okay. Facetime me when you're all settled. I wanna see your pretty face."

"I will." And with that, the call ended. She quickly stopped by the nearby Trader Joes to grab a couple of groceries so she could whip up dinner and lunch for the next couple of days. Heart couldn't wait to get settled, do her homework and be lazy. 

Now she knew why people appreciated their weekends so much.

Finally getting home, she parked her car a couple of steps away from the apartment building. She grabbed her belongings and kept her head down as she scrolled through her phone. 

"Come on, Miss. You're coming with us." Two hefty men came towards her, grabbing her arms.

"Who are you? Let go of me! He-"

"You don't want to do that." He said, covering her mouth. "The more you yell & refuse, the harder this thing will be." She struggled to get out of the grip, dropping a couple of her items onto the floor before she's shoved into an SUV. 

"What the fuck! Get me out!" She yelled as they slammed the door and got inside.

"Hello, Heart. We meet again." Mr. Bigs said, chuckling. The driver started up the car and started to drive off. "We have a lot to talk about." 

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