thirty two | our paradise

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Following the next weeks, Heart found herself slowly getting back on track with school. She felt like she could finally return to work soon and get moving with her life. Although there isn't a day that goes by where she doesn't think about Jome, she needed to come to terms with everything and accept the fact that he was in a better place.

She sat in a nearby library for three hours, focusing on the midterm work she needed to get through. Proposals, essays, sketches, designs. It piled up, but she had more than enough energy to push herself through the work.

In addition to that, her and Steph spent some time away. Or, she spent time away from Steph. She hated the fact that she was miserable around him after Jome passed & she felt the need to be alone to come to terms with everything. He checked up on her everyday, and he always made sure to ask if she needed him or if she wanted to stay so she wouldn't go through these things alone. But for Heart, she knew it was something she needed to do so she wouldn't be moping around and drowning everyone in her problems.

She was beyond blessed with that man. Thinking about him made her smile to herself, the butterflies growing once again in her stomach.

"Hello?" She smiled as she heard Steph sneeze on the other line.

"Excuse me. Hey babygirl. What're you up to?"

"Finishing up some midterm work. What about you, handsome?" She chuckled and bit onto her bottom lip as if she could see him smiling through the phone.

"Just got done with a long ass practice. I stayed behind to work out and shoot around more. You almost done with your work?"


"Come over. Or I can pick you up at your place later?"

"Mm, sounds good. I'm about to leave. I'm pretty much done with what I need to do anyways."

"Sweet. Let me know when you're home, beautiful."

"Kay." And with that, the call ended. She looked down at her work, satisfied with the work she put in today. She only had a couple of things left to do, but they weren't due for another couple of days. She quickly packed her things and happily headed out of the library to get home, freshen up and get out of her school clothes.

Since she hasn't seen Stephen for awhile, she figured she'd look nice. She quickly threw on a beige, oversized blouse with leggings and over the knee boots. She was a simple girl, and Stephen always complimented her for it. Sooner or later, she walked out seeing Stephen leaning against his car in a short sleeve, white button up, jeans and sneakers. She laughed in excitement, dropping her bag to the floor to run into his arms. He tightly held onto her and picked her up from the floor, taking in her scent and feeling every inch of her body.

"Ugh, I missed you." He said in her ear as he slowly placed her back down onto the floor and gazed into her eyes.

"I missed you too, Wardell." He smiled, hearing her say his name. Wasting no time, he cupped her cheek and pulled her in for a deep kiss.

"Come on, baby. Let's go eat. I want to take you somewhere afterwards." She silently nodded as she got situated in his car. The drive was a bit silent, the two simply enjoying in each other's presence. He held her hand with his free hand and occasionally placed kisses along the top of her hand. As she looked out the window, she could sense Stephen eyeing her from time to time. But he didn't say anything. He just wanted to admire her as he was overjoyed to be in her presence again. It was like his happy place.

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