thirty seven | liquid courage

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KT: Heart, I think you're gorgeous.

HD: Oh wow, uh. Thanks Klay. Lol. 😅

KT: I gotta be honest with you.

HD: Honest about what?

KT: You got me feelin' some type of way.

HD: Okay Klay, enough drinks for you. 😂

KT: I'm serious. You're an angel, it's hard not to be attracted to you.

HD: The compliments are sweet, but I have to admit, it is a bit weird coming from you. Lol.

KT: Stephen doesn't have to know about anything.

"Would you get off of your phone, bruh?" Draymond quickly looked down to peep who he was texting before his eyes widened. "Oh no. No Klay, we aren't doing this bullshit tonight. We did not come here to get drunk so you could text ya' feelings to ol' girl." He snatched his phone from his hand so quickly that all Klay could do was laugh. Dray rolled his eyes at how drunk the shooting guard looked, and he knew he wasn't gonna let him have his phone while intoxicated. "What the fuck, Klay!"

"What?" He laughed as he could barely keep his eyelids open.

"How the fuck you gon' send her some shit like this? That's your boy's girl!"

"Oops." He laughed once more. "Give me my phone. I wanna talk to Heart." Klay started to reach for his phone.

"No, get the fuck on somewhere, Klay. We're taking your ass back to the hotel." Dray slightly shoved him as he turned to keep the phone away from him.

"Come on, I'm not that drunk."

"Quit playin' me, bruh. If Steph finds out about you tryna spit game at his girl, don't come to me."


Klay scrunched his forehead and rested it against his fingers. He quietly groaned as he tried to sit comfortably on the plane. He closed his eyes, hoping he could drift into a quick and deep sleep as they made their way to their next destination. He heard Steph singing loudly as he entered the plane, put his stuff in the overhead bin and sat next to him.

"What's wrong, Klay?" He felt Steph's grip onto his arm. He was a bit annoyed, but he didn't do anything to shake off his hand from his arm.

"Just tired."

"Tired? You're always tired. Drink your vitamins, boy!" Steph said jokingly, but Klay continued to close his eyes and sit silently. "Did you get too drunk last night?"

"What makes you think I was drunk last night?"

"Quit playing. I heard your loud ass in the hallway arguing with Dray about how you weren't that drunk."

"I really wasn't that drunk." Dray shot him a look.

"Mhm, I'm sure." Draymond chimed in as he subtly rolled his eyes and began to shuffle his cards. Dray was sure Heart was going to mention it to Steph and it wasn't his place to really do it for her. All he knew was that Klay was gonna get his for acting all foolish. "Aye you want in on this game or what?"

"Nah, I'm good." Klay responded. Waking up this morning, he looked back at his text messages with Heart and was a bit surprised at how honest he was with her. With all that liquid courage, he was definitely feeling like he could do everything and anything. But half of him slightly regretted it, just cause he knew this would eventually cause an issue between Heart and Steph. He's aware of how much trouble he's caused but right now, he was more about looking after himself and doing his own thing.

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