eight | the watchful eye

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"Have you seen the girl?" Mr. Bigs took the cigar out of his mouth as he stared down his two, trusted security guards from the club.

"No, sir." He chuckled.

"I think I have an idea about her whereabouts." He dipped his cigar into the ash tray before setting it down to stand before them. "Keep an eye on her. And fellas, let me know if you see him with her." 


Heart pleasantly woke up to the sun shining down on her face. She stretched, surprised at all the space she had. With awe, she looked around at the spacious, clean, black&white themed bedroom she was occupying. She had no idea how she got into his bed, but there was no Stephen in sight. She helped herself to his bathroom to relieve herself and wash up before heading downstairs. On the couch, she found Stephen sprawled out in a way she couldn't believe was comfortable for him. She let out a small giggle, waking up the point guard from his sleep.

"Hey Heart." He rubbed both of his eyes like a child before sitting up. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good. How did I get in your bed?"

"Well.." He smirked, earning a playful shove from Heart. "I'm just kidding. I carried you up there. You fell asleep on the table."

"Oops." She chuckled. "Well thank you, Wardell. I should be getting home soon."

"You don't want anything to eat? I could whip up something quick."

"Can you really now?" She crossed her arms and chuckled.

"Yes?" He chuckled. "Can't act like a grown man without knowing how to cook some eggs, now can we? Let me make you something."

"I promise I'm okay Wardell, I have to get back before Logan gets out of school. Besides don't you have practice?"

"Not until another hour or so. But alright. Let me get myself together." He throws the blanket aside before running up the stairs to wake himself up and get his stuff together for shoot around. When he gets back downstairs, he sees Heart wrapped in his blanket as she sits on the couch. "You look like you don't want to leave."

"Just getting myself comfortable as I wait for you." She stands, fixing her sweater.

"I mean, you could always stay" He shrugged.

"Come on." She tugged on his shirt as she walked towards the door. He opened the passenger's door before throwing his bag into the trunk of his car. Getting into the car, he noticed Heart's expression fill with worry. 

"What's wrong?"

"I don't think I'm going to hear back from any of these jobs."

"Give it time."

"I don't have much, though."

"You'll hear from somebody. Trust me, I'll let you know. Don't worry." He smiled and pinched her cheek before driving off. The rest of the car ride was silent, which Stephen was getting used to. He liked the silence, only because he was starting to enjoy simply being in her presence. She was rather shy and quiet, and he didn't want to change that about her. Most of the girls he's come across in his past where doing too much to impress him or be something they weren't, and he highly despised it. He learned the hard way how difficult it is to be with someone who can't be themselves around you.

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