twenty one | m.i.a.

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"Did Mr. Curry do all this for you?" Mr. Bigs paced behind his desk as Heart sat quietly. When he didn't receive a timely response, he scrunched his forehead and slammed his hands onto the table. "Did he or did he not?!" He yelled, making Heart shake her head.


"Lie to me one more time, Heart. I know your little MVP boyfriend has been behind all of this."

"Leave him out of it--"

"Lie to me one more time!" He yelled. "And I swear Mr. Curry will never see daylight again!"


Stephen couldn't concentrate no matter how hard he tried. Heart was barely responding to his texts and even if she did, it was a blunt response. She didn't pick up his calls either. He couldn't help but wonder what he did wrong and why she was acting the way she was.

"God forgive me for cussing,  but fuck!" Stephen groaned as he ran his hands through his hair. He dialed Heart's number, but this time he knew she ignored the call since it sent him to voicemail after two rings.

Wardell: Baby, can you let me know what's wrong? I know something isn't right. Please just talk to me. You're worrying me. 

He sighed as he grabbed his things and headed out of his hotel room. He wasn't sure how he was going to manage shootaround and a game when he was worried about Heart. He knew something wasn't right or else, she would've spoken to him by now. Getting to the bus, he threw on his headphones and covered his head with his hood. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, especially since the situation was slightly giving him anxiety. The more he dwelled on it or talked about it, the more he felt sick to his stomach from worry.

Something wasn't adding up.

Everyone was in their own world to even worry about Steph at the moment, but Draymond and Klay couldn't help but recognize something was off due to his missed shots. 

"Aye man, you alright?" Draymond asked, dribbling the ball over to Stephen. "I don't wanna jump to conclusions but something don't seem right."

"Yeah, I'm alright." Steph replied as he threw up another shot and missed. "Damn."

"Nah, nah, nah. You ain't aight." Draymond put his hand against Stephen's chest to try and sit him down on a chair. "What's wrong?" Steph sighed.

"Something's wrong with Heart."

"What do you mean something's wrong with Heart? Is she okay?"

"I don't know, man. I can't get a hold of her. And even if she does respond, it's a one word response."

"Maybe she's just caught up with her school and work stuff."

"No, I know her. She's been good at balancing everything. Something isn't right."

"Well I don't know what to tell you, man. She pick up your calls?"

"No. I'm afraid she's hurt or that Bigs did something."

"I don't think you should be thinking that far, but why don't you have one of her friends check up on her?"

"She doesnt--" But then, the idea came to him, so his eyes widened in response. "Wait, I'll be right back." Dray shrugged as he and Klay watched him run off the court.

"What was his deal?" Klay asked.

"I don't know, he's worrying about Heart. I'm sure she's cool though." Klay nodded silently before proceeding his drills. Meanwhile, Stephen ran to the nearest place within the area that he could get the most signal. He didn't know why it didn't occur to him in the first place, but he was hoping Jomari would pick up if Heart wouldn't.

"Steph, wassup my man?"

"Jomari, I don't mean to call you unexpectedly & all, but have you heard from Heart?"

"Nah, I haven't. What's wrong?"

"She just hasn't been responding to my texts or calls like she normally would."

"Yeah, that's kind of weird."

"I mean, when I do hear from her, it's a very blunt response. I don't mean to sound all crazy, but something just doesn't feel right. And I'm afraid she's hurt or something."

"Nah, I'm sure she's okay. She's a strong girl. Let me go pay her place a visit or something & I'll keep you updated."

"Thanks, man. I really appreciate it. It's been driving me crazy, especially when I can't just get to her."

"I got you. Just sit tight. And don't dwell on it too much."

"Thank you." Stephen ends the call as he leans his head back against the wall. He felt some relief knowing Jomari was going to help him out while he was on the road, but it still didn't completely stop him from worrying.

He just wanted to hear her voice.

But as soon as the call ended for Jomari, he rushed out of his house. Jome didn't wanna tell Stephen, but he had a feeling Bigs was behind this all. & He was going to get to the bottom of this. It made him infuriated that Bigs wouldn't quit with Heart.

He clenched onto the wheel as he sped off to Heart's apartment. Thankfully, she wasn't that far from his mom's, or else he feels as if he would've disturbed everyone's peace being that driver on the roads. With his free hand, he called her phone, but it immediately sent him to voicemail.

"Yo Heart, what's going on with you, ma? Stephen's worried about you & now you got me all worried. Pick up or something! Let somebody know you coo." He ended the call just to call again, knowing it would send him straight to voicemail. "Fuck, come on Heart. What the hell is going on?" He smacked his lips as he turned the corner and immediately parked near her apartment building. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

Until he stepped on one of her sketches on the floor. 

There was no way she would've just let this fall out of her bag without noticing. He picked up the pieces of paper and examined it before he picked up his pace to get to her door.

"Heart!" He called, pounding on her door. "Heart open up if you're in there, it's Jome!" He continued to pound on the door. He groaned, earning a neighbor to open her door in curiosity. "Sorry miss. I don't mean to cause any chaos, but have you seen Heart? She's a good friend of mine." The lady simply shook her head and closed the door. Jome sighed as he checked the time, seeing that sooner or later, Stephen would have to get ready for the game tonight. He didn't want the situation to cause him unnecessary stress before a game - esp. since people were coming out from all over the place to watch him do what he does best on the court.

"Hello?" He said, picking up an incoming call from Stephen.

"She said--didn't---anymore." 

"What? You're breaking up, I can't hear you. Did you hear from Heart?"

"I did. Jomari, she said she didn't wanna do this anymore."

"What?" He looked at his phone in disbelief. "Say that again?"

"She said she didn't wanna do this anymore, man." He heard Stephen's voice crack. "She wants me to stay away from her."


(Blue Ocean Floor - Justin Timberlake)

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