thirteen | the wood

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Stephen dropped Heart's duffle bag near his nightstand before looking back at her. She smiled softly as she sat on the edge of his bed, watching him put down is belongings on the nightstand.

"So, the real question is. Do you want me to sleep downstairs or--"

"Wardell." She tilted her head to the side and chuckled.

"I just want to make sure you're comfortable, Heart. It's a valid question."

"Stay here. You don't have to do that."

"Well, alright." He shrugged as he made his way to the closet. "Just so you know, I tend to wrap myself in a blanket burrito so I apologize in advance if you're left with no covers in the morning." She rolled her eyes before watching him change shirts.

"Okay. I guess I should be the one sleeping downstairs then."

"I'm just kidding. You know I rarely move in my sleep."

"How would I know? I was dead last night."

"You clearly aren't dead." He pinched her cheek. "So, did you want to watch a movie?" He grabbed his PS4 controller to turn on the console & pull up Netflix.


"Have at it." He handed her the controller. "I'll make us some popcorn." She quietly grabbed the controller and started looking through the options. Before Stephen could fully walk out of the room, he turned to look at Heart once more. He smiled to himself, watching how focused she was on the big screen in front of her. He knew he couldn't help himself, so he leaned over to plant a kiss along her jawline. Hearing her giggle allowed him to leave the room in full satisfaction.

As he waited for the popcorn and the butter to melt, he leaned against his counter, chuckling at himself. He never thought he'd get to this point - where he'd be inviting a girl to stay with him. Or, where he'd be catering to a girl. Being there for her and taking care of her every need. He was honestly surprised at himself because he had no idea where all of the affection came from. He wasn't necessarily cold, but he didn't like messing with feelings.

Until Heart came along. It was like she turned on a switch for him and now he was feeling everything for the girl. In the short amount of time they've gotten to really spend time and get to know each other, he's found someone who wasn't afraid to build with him. He didn't have to be somebody he wasn't off the court. And he also didn't have to worry about being a work in progress around her. Most of the girls he's come across like to think he's perfect and that he knows his way around everything. He doesnt.

"What're we watching tonight? A chick flick?" He looked up at the screen to see The Wood selected. She laughed as she patted the area next to her on the bed.

"No. Have you seen this?" His eyes widened at the question.

"Have I seen it? It's one of my favorite movies."

"Shutup. This is my favorite movie."

"Damn. I guess this is why I like you." She eyed him as he kept his eye on the movie that was starting in front of them. I guess this is why I like you. Heart really liked hearing it, and it made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. But she kept her cool as she leaned back against the headboard with Stephen instantly making himself comfortable in between her legs.

Stephen had finished most of the popcorn barely halfway through the movie. But Heart didn't mind as she felt more tired than hungry at this time of night. Thoughts of Jomari popped into her head and she figured she'd tell Stephen to be real with him.

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