three | on the hotline

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"Why did you give me a piece of paper?"

"Why, did you want more money? I could do that for more of your--"

"Stop it, Wardell." He chuckled.

"Why don't you look at it?" She turned to take a quick peek at the piece of paper included in the bundle of bills he snuck under her garter. It was a number - most likely Wardell's number. It was written in what would seem like Wardell's handwriting.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

"I know you wanted it."

"Please." She rolled her eyes.

"So you're not going to hit me up? Don't lie to me, Heart."

"I don't think so."

"Playing hard to get?" He asks lowly in her ear as he stands up to pull her body closer. "You know I want you."


You know I want you.

The scene continued to play in Heart's head as she kept repeating the last line she's heard from Wardell. She was trying to make sense of his statement as she looked at the piece of paper in front of her.

She was aware she was overthinking but what exactly did that mean? She just formally met the infamous point guard, & he already has her in her feelings.

Did he want her solely for sexual pleasure? Did he want her in a way she wasn't aware of? Did she seem different to him than other girls? Was it serious?

The questions were never-ending, & although she wanted to know answers, she couldn't find herself calling the number on the piece of paper.

One, because she was scared.

Two, because she wasn't sure if she wanted to get caught up & involved with someone like Wardell Stephen Curry.

Life was already too much to handle, what more if you include an MVP point-guard from a Championship team?

He was playing with her emotions.

"Heart! Heart! Look what I drew at school!" Heart was pulled out of her thoughts as Logan yelled for her attention, holding up a drawing of the two of them.

"What's that Loges?"

"It's me & you! I drew it at daycare."

"This is so cute, sweetie." Heart forced a smile, even though she was beyond tired. "Can I keep it?"

"Yes." He smiles at her as she caresses his cheek.

"Ow, fucking shit. Logan! Pick up your goddamn backpack! Jesus Christ, boy!" Her aunt yells, starting the two. "Did you hear me?" She puts her hands on her hips as she leans forward to become more intimidating to the small six year old. "I said pick up your shit!" She grabs him by the arm and shoves him towards his backpack on the floor. He cries loudly as he slowly bends down to pick up his backpack. Heart quickly runs to his side as her aunt proceeds to walk into the bedroom. "Yeah, run to his side every time he cries. Let that boy learn something!"

As she slams the door, Heart hugs Logan to calm him down. She rubs his back and shushes him in order to get his crying to be at a minimum.

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