thirty one | only human

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"Jome, I miss you so much. I don't know how I'm going to do this without you around. I still need you." Heart paused as the tears fell down her face. "I love you." She tilted the vase to let the ash fly out onto the sand and into the water. Stephen gave her a reassuring squeeze on the arm and kissed her temple, with the muffled cries of those around them in the background.

Heart shook her head as she remembered the scene in order to regain her focus on the tasks she had to do at work. She tried her hardest to get things done, but the reality of it all was that she couldn't. Not like she used to. She found herself spacing out & thinking about the things that have happened & Jomari.

Logan, even.

She was feeling very incomplete.

Heart tapped her pen against the desk as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand. Startled by the door opening, she quickly gathered herself and pretended to do some work on her computer to make herself seem busy.

"Heart." She loosened up, relieved to hear Christen's voice. Heart softly smiled at her as she watched her sit in the chair in front of her once again. She was getting all too familiar with their meetings being in this matter.

"Hey Christen. What's up?"

"I just wanted to check up on you. How are you doing?" She asked with a worried expression plastered on her face.

"I'm doing alright." Heart lied. She was miserable. All she honestly wanted to do was sulk in bed and do nothing. Watch movies, maybe. But that was the end of it. With such a simple response, Christen sighed and knew it wasn't the truth.

"Heart, go home." Christen put her hand on top of hers, the sympathy now taking over her facial expression. "I know it's been hard for you, and I want you to take your time. I don't want you to put too much on yourself after everything." Heart sighed.

"I don't know. I want to be here, Christen. It keeps me busy. But at the same time," Heart paused as she looked down. She felt the tears coming as she shook her head and looked back up at Christen. She began to cry silently, a bit embarrassed that she was breaking down in front of her boss. She couldn't help it. The pain did indeed get worse as the days went on, and she knew it'd be like this for awhile. "It hurts so much,that I don't know how to pick myself up. It's so hard to do anything when you feel this way." Heart dug her head into her hands as she continued to silently cry. Christen made her way around the table to hug her and rub her back.

"Go home, okay? I want you to go home and I want you to rest and take care of yourself. You can come whenever you feel ready. The most important thing to do is to make sure you're okay, before anything."

"I'm sorry, Christen."

"Don't apologize, sweetheart. Please. It's been rough, I know." Heart sighed as she slowly packed her things. Though she didn't want to admit it, Christen was right. She needed to take care of herself, first & foremost. School was already picking up & she was having trouble balancing everything after the incident. She took one last look at her boss before softly smiling and hugging her once more.

"Thank you for everything."

"Of course. Call or text me if you need me, okay?" Heart nodded. With that, she was out the door and off to her car. She honestly couldn't wait to see Stephen, even if he was bed-ridden to speed up his recovery process. He was the light at the end of the tunnel for her.

Getting situated into her car, she began to receive a call from an unknown number. But the number looked somewhat familiar and she couldn't quite figure out from where.


"Heart? Hey, it's me. Klay." She let out a small breath of relief. Right. Steph called her with his phone when she was at the club.

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