twenty seven | too easy

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"Jomari." Steph paused as he sighed and nervously turned the corner. "I'm about to be at the club. I don't know what's going on, but Dominic found her sketch & he's afraid that she might be hurt. I can't wait until things get moving, I-I just uh, I need to get to her man." He ended the call as he parked his car alongside the street, making sure his car wouldn't be seen though it would be hard to in the night time.

Putting himself in detective mode as much as possible, he quickly scanned the club and took note of the back door that was facing his direction. He wasn't sure how he was going to pull this off, and quite frankly, he was a bit nervous putting himself in a situation where he could possibly get severely hurt. But he needed to see Heart and get her out of there. It hurt him knowing she was in this position and he wasn't doing all that he could to get her out of it for good.

"Alright Wardell. Dad didn't raise no punk. You'll get in there and beat the shit out of that man." He nodded to reassure himself before he sighed and sunk into his seat. "No, no. You'll go in there, get your girl and make peace with that man. Alright? You are a child of God." He sat in silence before he smacked his lips and aggressively exited the driver's side of the car. "Jesus."

Stephen crouched next to a bush to make sure the coast was clear. He caught shadows walking in the back room and his heart sped up a bit, hoping it was Heart. Running up to the door, he aggressively tugged on the door knob.

"Fuck!" He groaned, tugging even harder but the doorknob wouldn't budge. He let go and ran his hands through his hair as he gathered himself & put his hand on his hip. "Maybe I shouldn't have--" He was pulled out of his thoughts when an unknown female opened the door and peeked outside.

"Can I help you?"

"Is Heart here?" The female's eyes widened, realizing who it was. She slowly opened the door and gestured for him to silently come in. Getting into the backroom, he saw a couple of girls leaving or getting ready for their night. None took notice to him.

"I'm sorry, I don't know where she is right now but she might be in the other room."

"What other room?"

"It's down the hall."

"Where's Mr. Bigs at?"

"I don't know, around? If you wanna see her, you're gonna have to get to her quick." He sighed and nodded his head in frustration.

"Alright, alright. Thanks." She nodded but continued to shoo him away towards the room she mentioned. He quickly took a look outside, making sure it was clear. For some reason, it felt a little too easy for him to get to Heart & he didn't like it one bit. But at the same time, he was grateful because he felt like God was actually listening to his prayers.

Without thinking, he opened slightly opened the door and peeked inside.


"Heart!" He said at a high whisper. She looked up, her eyes widening at the sight of Stephen. She quickly ran to the door, pulled him in and closed it.

"Wardell, what are you doing!"

"Baby, I had to come after you. I-I was afraid you were hurt. I can't do this, I need to be with you. You can't stay here."

"Wardell." Her look became soft as the tears welled up in her eyes. "I only did it to protect you. You have to listen to me, please." He cupped her cheek as he examined the scratches beginning to heal.

"Aw jeez." He said, kissing her forehead and pulling her close for a tight hug. "No. He can do all he wants to me but he's not getting away with this. Did you see Dom the other day?"

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