twelve | unexpected calls

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Heart had the best night of her life, only to come home to chaos and things taking a turn for the worst.

Her smile immediately faded as she ran out of the car to approach the lady holding Logan back while her aunt was being taken away by police. He cried loudly, unsure of what was happening to his own mother, while her aunt yelled absurdities towards the cops who held onto her.

"Hey! What's going on? Excuse me?!" She said, aggressively turning a cop around to face her. "That's my aunt, where are you taking her?!"

"Well your aunt, sweetie, is under arrest."

"For what? What did she do?" Silence.

"Heart get me out of here!" Her aunt fought the cops as they pushed her into the back of the police car. She continued to yell as the cop shut her door closed. Heart ran her hands through her hair, flustered at the events taking place.

"Heart! Help me!" She heard Logan behind her.

"Miss, no disrespect, but who are you and what are you doing with him?" Stephen approached the woman who had a tight grip on the boy.

"I'm with the Child Services. We're taking him until further notice."

"What? No! I'm right here, I can take him. Please, just don't take him away." Heart cried and continued to beg, but the lady didn't have any of it.

"Come on, please. Heart always takes great care of him. He's fine with her, I promise." Stephen added, stepping in between.

"I'm sorry, I have to do what I have to do." The lady sighed and handed Stephen her card. "We need to figure things out between Logan and his mother before anything else. If Heart is able to prove that she can be a great guardian for this boy, then we can talk. My info is on the card. We'll check in soon." She pushed the boy aside, making him cry harder for Heart.

"I'll come for you, okay Logan? Just sit tight. I promise. I love you."


Heart's head hung over the toilet as she continued to sob. Although her and her aunt never got along, she hated how home felt so empty. Her neighbors were highly aware of their situation, yet they never complained or had any issues since Aunt Lisa never bothered anybody. The whole situation was weird, random & a mess. She didn't know who could possibly turn her aunt in to the police and have Logan taken away like that. She missed Logan, and all her thoughts raced in her mind. The number one concern for her was trying to get him back and be that guardian for him. She was going to do whatever it took to get him back.

"Ugh, no." She held her stomach as she released some more of its contents into the toilet.

"It's alright, baby. Just let it out." Stephen sat alongside her, rubbing her back and holding her hair aside. He felt bad, knowing this was probably him & Dray's fault for giving her one too many drinks. & On top of that, she just witnessed her loved ones being taken away.

He obviously didn't expect nor want the night to turn out this way. He just wanted her to have a good time and celebrate before her first day.

And now, she had to start everything on the wrong foot.

After a couple of minutes, Heart's stomach seemed to be under control as she leaned back against the wall, tears still falling from her eyes.

"Are you okay now? Do you wanna lie down?" He brushed the hair out of her face as all she could do was pout and continue to cry. He stood up and swooped her up, bridal style. She held tightly onto his chest as they made their way into the room. He gently laid her onto the bed and grabbed a trash can in case she needed it during the night.

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