eleven | fill your cup up

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"Heart, your story is so inspiring. I love how strong and independent you are."

"Oh." Heart looked down and blushed. "It's really not a big deal."

"You seem very dedicated and hardworking, and I honestly would love to have someone like you help me around here." Christen, the Editor-in-Chief, smiled at her as Heart's eyes lit up. 


"Yes, really! It's up to you if you want to accept or decline, but I would love to have you and your creative mind here." 

"I would love that. Thank you so much, Christen. You have no idea how much this means to me."


Heart looked at her reflection on Steph's car, tilting her head sideways. She pouted as she looked at her outfit, a bit unsatisfied.

"I don't like this outfit." Stephen eyed her up & down. She was in dressy, high-waist black shorts, a matching v-neck cut top, leather jacket and booties. 

"You look amazing."

"And plus, we're matching." She winced, looking at Stephen's black button-up, dark jeans and black boots. 

"What's wrong with that?"

She chuckled. "Nothing." She shook her head before proceeding to get herself situated in his car. He invited her to be his guest at the game tonight, and she didn't think too much about it. She honestly wasn't ready to go out there and be presented to everyone as someone he was dating. Because one, although they already act like they're at that point, there was never any official confirmation between the two. Two, she never liked receiving attention in this matter for it made her shy. It kind of gave her anxiety knowing she was stepping into this world that she knew she didn't belong it. 

But what the heck, she liked Stephen. She couldn't deny it.

As they got closer to Oracle, she began to feel nervous and she was starting to regret coming to the game. 

"You okay?"

"I don't know if I could do this."

"Do what?"

"Like, be here. Around all this noise. And meet your teammates. I-I just--"

"Hey, look at me." He quickly caught her attention before looking back at the road. "It's alright. Don't worry." He put his hand on her thigh and caressed it gently. "Klay and them don't bite."

"I mean, I'm not a model or anything and I think--"

"You're thinking way too much, sweetheart. I don't care about that." She sighed.

"I guess."

"Trust me, alright? I want you to be here." She looked at him, noticing how happy he was that she was by his side. So, she nodded silently in response. As they got ready to enter Oracle, she took a deep breath to keep her nervousness under control. Stephen held onto her hand tightly as the photographers continued to snap their pictures of the two. Before entering the locker room, he looked down at her and smiled before greeting his teammates. The first to catch her attention was Klay, who was already eyeing her.

But she wasn't sure if it was in a good or bad way.

"Wassup man." Stephen gave daps to the man. "This is Heart."

"Mm, the infamous Heart." Klay said, expressionless. He nodded his head as he fiddled with the shirt in his hands. "What's up. I'm Klay."

"Okay, but you're not going to introduce me?" Draymond said, slightly pushing Klay aside. 

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