seven | on the run

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"Wardell, I don't even know where to start. The only thing I could put on this resume is working at the diner & my high school diploma. It's pathetic, I'm about to be 25."

"Quit stressing. It's fine, it's better than nothing." She sighed, burying her head into her hands. Stephen sat across from her at the table, peering over his phone. He quietly chuckled to himself, seeing the girl in distress. He wanted to help make the change an easy one, but here she was, stressing as if she was on her own. "Do you want anything to drink or eat? I assume that can help you?"

"Water, please." She mumbled, as she kept her head buried into her hands. He chuckled once again before getting up from the table to get a glass of water. As he was pouring water out of his Brita, he looked over to see her getting herself together on his laptop. She continued to jot down a few things on a piece of paper, trying to keep focus on the task at hand. "Thank you." She quietly said, as she heard the glass make contact with the table.

"See, told you it wouldn't be too bad."

"It's pretty bad. I don't even know what I'm doing, or where I'd fit in."

"Well, you told me you wanted to do things in Fashion, right? Beauty, even?"

"Yeah, but you know that'll take me awhile." She looked at him sideways, slightly pouting.

"You can settle for an office job for companies you're interested in." 

"I can't do this." She said, frustrated, almost at tears. 

"Come on, Heart. Don't think like that. Tell me, what's your favorite thing to do during your down time? Or, what do you get excited most about when it comes to makeup and clothes?" Heart sighed, resting her cheek on the palm of her hand comfortably. She looked out into space, trying to piece together her thoughts.

"I like to read & write, but I don't really see myself making a career out of writing. It's more of a fun thing for me. Magazines are fun to look at too, they give me me that old-school inspiration I couldn't get when the internet wasn't a big thing." She tilted her head the opposite way. "Hm, I always enjoy getting new makeup and new clothes. I mean, what girl doesn't?"

"Where at, though? & What magazines?"

"Allure has always been a favorite magazine. H&M, Forever 21, Sephora--"

"Hold that thought. I actually know somebody who works in the Sephora Corporate Office in SF cause of my mom and sister. & I'm pretty sure I can make my way into Allure."

"How so? Cause you're Mr. MVP?" He shrugs.

"Well, you know. " He tilted his head side to side & stretched his arms. "What can I say?" She chuckled as she shook her head. "Here, I'll send her an email." Stephen reaches to grab his phone in the middle of the table, only for Heart to reach in for it at the same time. Her hand lands on top of his, her eyes widening at the sight. She quickly removes her hand, leaving Stephen a bit disappointed as he slowly grabbed his phone.

"No, Wardell. Stop. Don't do it."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't think I'm ready."

"Yes you are. You're going to have to be."

"No, no." She shook her head nervously.

"Heart. Look at me." She tugged on her sleeves as she looked back up at him. "You can do this, alright? You have to step out of your comfort zone if you really want to change things." He was right, and she hated that he was actually right. 

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Fine."

"Woah, attitude." He laughed before fixing his attention back onto the tiny screen in front of him. He quickly looked up as he typed on his phone, hoping he didn't hurt her feelings since she didn't respond to his remark. "Are you cold?" He asked, watching her rub her arms for warmth. She simply nodded, giving Stephen the green light to grab the blanket from the couch and wrap it around her back.

"Thank you." And with that, the majority of the night was silent. She continued to do her research on his laptop, while Stephen did his on his phone. Little did she know was that he was reaching out to people he was close to within the industry, hoping someone would at least have an opening position for Heart. He didn't care if it seemed like he was being a little desperate; he just knew he wasn't letting her step back under Bigs' wings. 

"Heart." He quietly said, his eyes fixated on his phone. He waited for a response, only to get silence in return. "Heart?" Stephen looked up, seeing the girl fast asleep. She laid her head on her arms, the blanket still draping her back. He looked at the time, seeing that it was already 3AM. 

He knew she was pretty exhausted with the hours she worked. 

"Alright, princess. Let's get you to bed." He says lowly. He removes the blanket from her back before gently swooping her up into his arms, causing a slight stir from the petite girl. "It's alright." He whispered, as he gently carried her up the stairs. He laid her on his bed, tucking her into his freshly washed duvet covers. 

Stephen looked at the girl in awe. She slept peacefully, as if she hadn't met peaceful sleep in a very long time. 

He left the door slightly ajar before making his way back downstairs. Grabbing the blanket from the chair, he plopped onto the couch to send his last email for the night. He yawned as he scrolled through his social media, shaking his head at the nonsense he came across. He found himself pretty exhausted as well, but he knew he wouldn't get much sleep tonight. There were too many worries occupying his mind.

One, he wanted to make sure Heart was safe & sound.

Two, he honestly was a bit nervous. He knew he would have to face Bigs sooner or later for being the reason behind Heart's no-shows, but tonight was not the night. He didn't wanna have to come across someone barging through his house, causing chaos at this time. 

Three, he was trying to get his thoughts together about her. He knew his feelings for her were starting to surface, but he didn't want it to be soon. He didn't want to overwhelm her & scare her off, but he had good intentions behind everything. He hated seeing her go through the trouble she had to go through, & he wanted to get her out of it as much as he could. 

One step at a time, at least.

As much as he wanted to be Superman, Spiderman, Batman. 

All of the above. 

He couldn't be. 

But he could at least try.

"Damn." He said under his breath as he examined the time once more. "So much for the game tomorrow."


(Part II [On The Run] - Jay Z & Beyonce) 

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