thirty five | days off

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"Heart!" Logan dropped his toys as he ran into Heart's arms. Heart cried happily, holding the boy tightly, never wanting to let go. She pulled away, only to examine him. She was surprised to see him looking better than ever, guessing that the home took better care of him than expected.

"Oh my god, you big boy. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Heart. I'm really happy we're together again." Heart chuckled before pulling him into another hug.

"You're not going anywhere ever again, alright?"


Yesterday turned out to be one of the best days Heart has had in awhile. Stepping into Christen's office, she was surprised to see Logan in front of her. Christen had broken the news to her that, thanks to some help, she and Dom wanted to adopt Logan so he could be in hands that Heart actually trusted. On top of that, they also offered her the option of moving into their guest home in their backyard so she could be near Logan and stay close to him. And, have her privacy at the same time.

Heart wasn't sure how to say thank you, or how to even describe how she felt. She just knew she was way too blessed at this point - especially after everything that's been happening.

Things always look up, that's forsure.

As for Stephen's offer about moving in with him, Heart didn't want to move too quick and take things too fast with their relationship. But she wasn't gonna lie, in time she saw herself being with him long term & moving in with him. Hopefully.

"You ready buddy?" Heart squatted to zip up his jacket as he finished his box of apple juice.

"Mhm." He said while sipping his juice.

"Okay, come on. Stephen's outside." She put out her hand for him to hold as they made their way out of the Perkins' backyard and into the driveway. Per usual, Stephen leaned against his car, smiling at the sight of the two.

"Hey 'lil man!" He pounded his fist against the six year old's.

"Hey Steph, good game the other day." Logan smiled.

"Thank you, thank you." Steph chuckled as he pretended to bow.

"Could you teach me how to shoot like you?"

"Sure thing. I'll come by next time and we could practice, how does that sound?"

"Cool." Logan hopped into the backseat and strapped himself.

"Mmm, hey beautiful. You look nice today." He bit his bottom lip as he pulled Heart closer and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"Aw, thank you Wardell. Such a sweetiebear." She blushed before getting settled into the passenger's seat.

"So, Logan. Are ready to beat my friends in lasertag?" Stephen smiled as he quickly looked at the rear view mirror before driving out of the driveway.

"More like... are your friends ready for me?" Logan tapped his finger against his chin. "Who are your friends, by the way?"

"Klay and Draymond."

"No way?" Logan's eyes lit up. "I'm going to be beating Klay and Draymond in lasertag?!"

"You sure are, my friend."

"Awesome!" He yelled in excitement in the back seat, making the two up front laugh.

"I like the excitement. I think you'll be really beneficial to our lasertag team."

"Hm, I think so too. You guys could use someone like me, don't you think?"

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