eighteen | a blessing

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Stephen smiled to himself as he sat down to tie his shoes and get himself together for the remainder of practice. Every time he was stressed or in a bad mood, all he had to do was think of Heart & everything would feel right again.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Klay asked, sitting next to him.

"I can't smile?"

"He's got that good-good, that's why." Draymond said laughing as he threw a towel at Stephen before walking off to the courts.

"Are you still seeing that girl?"

"Her name is Heart, Klay."

"Well, my bad. Are you still seeing Heart?"

"Yeah." His smile reaches from ear to ear.

"You seem happy."

"I am. She's great."

"That's cool." Klay says, a bit uninterested in the topic. He wasn't sure, but Heart didn't rub him the right way, even if he tried to be cool with her and accept their relationship. He figures that most of it has to do with the fact that he's seen Stephen deal with girls who used him for the wrong reasons. Those situations never turned out okay and he's had to intervene a couple of times.

"Guess what I got to do for her?"

"What's up?"

"Besides helping her get a better job, I got her to apply to the fashion school she's been looking at."

"Fashion school? Like, FIDM?"

"Yeah, man. Isn't that great?"

"I mean, yeah, but how is that all happening?"

"I took care of it."

"So, you're just straight up paying for the girl to go to school?"

"Why not? I don't want her talents to go to waste. She's smart, and she great at what she does."

"By all means, I respect that. I just don't know if you should be getting involved like that. You aren't even officially in a relationship and you're already spoiling her as if you two were married." Stephen sighs and rolls his eyes. "Slow down a bit, Stephen."

"Thanks, but when you find the right girl, it's hard to slow down." Steph shrugs as he runs onto the court. As he continued to shoot around, he kept thinking about Klay & why he was acting the way he was. Yeah, he's seen him get into tough situations in the past but he hates how Klay automatically assumes every situation will turn out the same. He just wishes he gave the girl a chance. He's certain he'd enjoy her personality. 

He didn't want it to come to the point where he'd have to choose between the two.

But, since today was a special day for both Stephen and Heart, he brushed off the negativity. Heart was currently at her interview for FIDM and he was anxious to hear about it. He was hoping that these people really saw the potential in her instead of looking at her experience. He was starting to think he was more nervous than she was. But he knows she'll do great, and because of that, he had a special night planned for them.

When the time finally comes & Heart steps through his door, he immediately runs to her to hear about the news.

"So?!" Stephen asked with his arms open. She tried to hold back her smile, but she gave in and laughed in the process.

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