forty two | 50-50

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Stephen leaned over onto the sink as the water dripped down his face. He closed his eyes momentarily in order to get his breathing under control. With everything going on and a game in a couple of hours, he had been pushing himself to the max. To the point where he felt like he could collapse any minute. But he needed to let out some steam; due to the frustration and sadness that built up inside of him. The last thing he wanted to do was take it out on Heart.

"Yo. What's goin' on with you?" Draymond peeked his head into the bathroom before stepping in completely.


"Alright. Well." He said walking to a stall. "I'm gonna go ahead & take this piss to relieve myself. That way, you'll get a 'lil time to gather your thoughts. When I'm done, I'd like to hear a better answer. Cause your face sure as hell don't show 'nothing.'" Stephen sighed as he continued to look at himself in the mirror. He wasn't sure why he was feeling this way. He knew what he had to do, and he knew he wanted Heart to be happy.

So, why was he trippin' ?

It had gotten harder and harder to accept the harsh reality of everything. He thought that, after everything, they could finally settle and move on with their lives.

He didn't think she'd move so quickly, to the point where he couldn't keep up.

Draymond cleared his throat as he quietly washed his hands and eyed Stephen, signaling for him to speak up.

"I can't do this." Stephen responded lowly as his weight felt unbearable. He turned so that his back would lean against the sink as his head sunk low.

"Can't do what?"

"I honestly cannot fucking do this." His voice raising as he made his way to the wall with his hands on his hips. He tilted his head upwards before he let out a breath and slammed his hand against the door.

"Aye man, come on. Let's sit somewhere." Dray led him out into the locker room, taking a seat near his cubby while pulling a chair for Steph to sit in. He immediatey slumped into the chair with his towel covering his face. "So what? What can't you do?"


"Huh? You can't do her? What the hell that mean? Ya'll having some sex issues? I can't help--"

"No. She's thinking of moving, Dray."

"Oh." His face softened. "What, why?"

"Someone offered her to model, but she'd have to move to LA for God knows how long since that's where their main studio is."

"Foreel? She can't do anything down here?"

"Not yet. They want to work with her closely and get her used to it before she jumps into more projects."

"I mean, for someone like Heart. It sounds like a really great opportunity." Dray responded as he arched an eyebrow. "So, why don't you sound too happy? What about it is pressing you so much? The fact that she has to move?"

"Yeah, man. You know how much that girl means to me. I already know this distance won't be good. It'll only push us away from each other."

"You can't expect things to be fine with that mentality, champ."

"I know. But if things didn't feel so wrong, I wouldn't be moping around." He sighed. "I know I'm supposed to be there for her. And that I'm supposed to be supporting her through everything. But I honestly hate the pressure I'm feeling just trying to be okay with this."

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