thirty three | bogut knows

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Heart sat court side behind the home bench, watching Stephen do his pre-game routine in front of the crowd that was already forming in the seats behind her. He quickly glanced over at Heart and winked as he continued to work on his ball-handling, dribbling two basketballs at once. She giggled, mainly because she thought he was the cutest thing on and off the court.

"Hey." She was pulled out of her thoughts when Klay sat on a chair in the row in front of her.

"Hey Klay, whatsup?"

"Just getting ready for the game. Slowly." He chuckled as he watched Stephen shoot a couple of three's. "Glad you could make it out tonight." He smiled at her, lowkey making her awkwardly blush as he kept his gaze on her.

"Stop!" Draymond said as he ran over, putting his hand in front of Klay. "It's okay, Heart. I'm here to save you."

"Stop what?"

"Stop bullying her."

"I'm not bullying anyone."

"Yeah you are. Bullying her with that ugly ass face of yours." He busted out in laughter, causing Klay to throw the ball at his back. "Ow, man. You sensitive as hell, watch me beat your ass for that." Dray pretended to jerk forward as if he was going to swing at Klay, but the man didn't budge.

"Can you guys not scare my girlfriend away?" Steph called, shooting up a shot near half court before making his way over.

"We're not. Klay is just being soft."

"I'm not being soft, man. We were trying to have a nice conversation before you came around."

"Yeah, yeah. Kiss my black ass." Draymond said as he walked away to continue warming up. Klay shook his head before returning his attention to Heart.

"Sorry." He stood. "I should get back to warming up & stuff. Don't wanna have a rough game."

"No worries. Goodluck tonight, Thompson." She smiled, earning a wink from him before he ran off. Not gonna lie, she was still caught off guard by how nice he was being to her. The wink was just a bit weird and the fact that he kept looking at her. But she wasn't going to think anything of it - maybe it was just his nature to be that friendly to girls.

"It's nice to see him getting along with you." Stephen said as he sat next to his girlfriend to catch his breath.

"Yeah, it's nice." She chuckled. "Excited for your first game after awhile?"

"Hell yeah. Especially being at home with my girl present in the crowd." He shook his head in disbelief. "Couldn't ask for a better night."

"Hmm, I hope you make those shots for me." She joked.

"Oh, you never have to worry about that. He will." Andrew Bogut responded as he passed the couple.

"Bogut knows." Steph nodded.

"Okay, Wardell. Well, goodluck babyboy. I'll be right behind you."

"Yep, I know. I love you, baby." He quickly pecked her on the lips before running into the tunnel.

Before the game started, Stephen ran to give his girlfriend another kiss on the lips before joining the rest of the starters on the floor. The crowd gave him a standing ovation to welcome him back after a couple of missed games due to the incident. Heart never felt more proud. She was ecstatic to see him back on the floor, doing what he loves, for his team and for all his fans. She has never seen a crowd roar the way they did.

The game against the Orlando Magic picked up quick, with the Warriors keeping up a big lead in the first half. One play especially had the crowd hyped, with Bogut immediately passed the ball to Stephen and ran to the other side of the court, confident Steph was going to make the three.

Bogut knows.

Heart felt herself losing her voice from joining the crowd and screaming on top of her lungs, especially when her man showed out. It was so real that she had to tell herself to sit and eat some food to relax.

As the team warmed up during halftime, she caught Klay smiling at her yet once again before running up to the basket for a quick lay up. Again, she believed it was a bit weird, but she thought nothing of it and smiled back.


But the rest of the game was as expected, with the Warriors picking up a big lead to take the win for the night. Heart met with the team in the locker room, congratulating them as they walked through the tunnel.

"How did we do?" Draymond asked, with Bogut next to him.

"Amazing. Goodjob." She smiled.

"Told you, you didn't have to worry about that man." Bogut added.

"You ran off the court before he even shot it up." Dray said, patting him on the chest, making him shrug in response.

"You kind of get used to him just throwing these shots up." Heart smiled watching them walk down the tunnel, mainly because she loved their connection and chemistry as a team.

"Hey!" Klay had his hand against the small of her back, startling her. She turned to face him, the sweat still dripping from his face.

"Hey Klay. Goodjob tonight."

"Thanks, sweetheart." He smiled. "What are you--"

"Baby!" Stephen yelled as he ran over to her and hugged her, picking her up from the floor. He then proceeded to carry her bridal style as he ran down the hallway and put her down in front of the locker room. "Oh nope, you aren't coming in here." She laughed.

"Goodjob tonight, babe." She pecked him on the lips.

"Thank you, beautiful. I'll be right out, okay? Then we can grab some pizza and watch some movies tonight." He winked before kissing her once more to head into the locker room for a quick shower and media time.

Klay slowly trailed behind, watching the two interact. When he said he was a bit envious of Stephen, he was feeling it more than ever tonight. He wasn't sure why, but he came to understand how great of a girl Heart was. But he could only admire her from afar and wish the two the best for their relationship. The two had a great connection, and he only wished he could come home to something like that.

That boy Stephen had everything going for him.

"What were you saying earlier?" Heart smiled as she leaned against the wall.

"Oh, uh. Nothing. Have a good night, Heart." He smiled toothlessly before walking into the locker room.

Just wanted to give a quick thank you for all the love you guys are showing this book! (& extraordinarylove) I dedicate this to all ya'll who continuously show love & comment, you know who you are! ❤️ love all around.

Thoughts on what's gonna happen next?

ALSO! since I MAY be ending extraordinarylove soon to add a third book to it, shall I start another Stephen book? it will be VERY, VERY different.


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