seventeen | finder's keepers

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Heart sat on the couch and continued to look through the packet of information from the school, FIDM. On the front of the packet was a letter addressed solely to her, followed by information for the majors she was interested in and things she needed for the application.

"Wardell, I-I can't--"

"Stop that." He chuckled. She simply looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Stop saying you can't, baby. I know you can. You just gotta put your mind to it and stop being afraid." She sighed as he rubbed her back.

"Damn. I really gotta sit here and get to work with these sketches and essays."

"Maybe you can have Christen help you too."

"Yeah, I'll probably have her look at it." She pulled out the paper application and began to fill it out.

"See. You got this all in the bag." He kissed her on the cheek before she sat on the floor to fill out the papers on the coffee table.

"Thank you." She looked at him once more and smiled softly.

"My pleasure, sweetheart."


Hitting just about 3AM, Heart yawned as she continued to finish up her personal statement. Next to her slept Stephen, his head resting against her hip. Here and there, she took the time to examine him as he slept, gently playing with his hair and caressing his cheek. She was just about done with her statement, but every time she took a look at it, she either had things to change or add. She felt like it wasn't good enough & she had no idea how to fix it. It was never ending.

"Heart." Stephen sleepily said as he kept his eyes closed.

"Hm?" She played with his beard.

"You can finish that later, go to sleep. You have to be up in a few hours."

"I'll be fine, I'll just be on loads of coffee." She slightly chuckled.

"That's not good. Come on, just sleep with me. Please." He begged. She sighed and looked at the finish product. There wasn't much she could do at this point except show it to Christen. So, she closes the laptop and situates herself in a comfortable position. "Thank you." Steph says as he scoots up behind her.

Sooner or later, she finds herself regretting her decisions. She wished she listened to Steph earlier because here she was at work, trying her hardest not to fall asleep. Although it wasn't as long & hectic, it was still difficult since it seemed like she was only asleep for five minutes before she had to get ready for her day.

"Hey Heart. I heard you wanted to speak to me?" Christen said, coming into her small, office.

"Oh, hey." Heart quickly got herself together as Christen welcomed herself into the room.

"Is everything alright? You look exhausted, dear." She wasn't sure if that was an insult or not, but quite frankly, she could care less. She was too tired to comprehend anything at the moment.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Talk to me." Heart looked at her and let out a hefty sigh. No turning back now.

"I'm thinking of applying to FIDM soon." Christen's jaw dropped.

"Oh my god, yes. That's great!"

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