thirty nine | us

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Heart sighed as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand. Class seemed to be going by forever, and she found herself daydreaming more than anything. Stephen had just gotten back from his road trip late last night and she was a bit bummed that he wasn't down to see her.

He said he was too tired.

He was never too tired to see her. And quite frankly, since she told him about Klay, he's been acting weird. Not like Klay was an issue, but now she feels as if Stephen is letting him get in between them. It was starting to worry her to the point where she couldn't really focus because she was trying to figure out what was going through his head. Startled by her phone vibrating, she slightly jumped and quickly grabbed her phone off of the desktop to see who was texting her.

SC: Hey baby girl. Are you in class?

Heart smiled to herself before she bit onto her thumb. She was in between responding quickly or responding a bit later so she didn't seem so clingy/needy. But what the heck. That was her man.

HD: Hi Wardell. ❤️ Yes, I am.

SC: How's that going?

HD: The usual. Pretty boring since we aren't really learning anything new. Kind of just wanna get out and enjoy the nice day.

SC: I agree. I just got out of practice. Do you have work after?

HD: Not today.

SC: Want to come over? I could make you my specialty. Three cheeses melted in between two slices of buttered bread.

HD: Grilled cheese, huh?

SC: Grilled to perfection. Sounds great doesn't it?

HD: I'll be there for that. 😘

SC: Cool. See you soon, love.

Part of her wanted to say the three words that she loved hearing from Stephen, but she was afraid. He had been distant from the statement lately, and that was another reason why she was trying so hard to figure out what was going through his head.

Today might just be the day she finds out.

Plus, she had some news herself to share. But she was hoping today would turn out better than expected so they both could bask in happiness and celebrate the steps she's making in life.

After class finally ended, she figured she would head straight to Stephen's. She felt herself getting a bit tired, so she knew that grilled cheese would come in handy.

Three cheeses melted in between two slices of buttered bread.

"Hey pretty girl." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her. She smiled as she heard his heartbeat and took in his scent. She missed him greatly and she felt at home in his arms.

"Hey Wardell. How was your trip?"

"Tiring as always."

"You've been playing so well. Goodjob." She bit onto her bottom lip as she playfully pinched his arm.

"Eh yeah, could have done better the last game but we can't win everything can we?"

"It's okay, babe." She placed her bag onto the floor as she sat on the bar stool in front of the island.

"How was school today?"

"Usual. Nothing new, really."

"Don't sound so sad, sweetheart. I'm sure you're still learning a lot of new and fun things."

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