sixteen | surprises

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Heart sat at her desk and laughed at the snapchats Stephen sent her in the past couple of minutes. She shook her head at his silliness, yet the excitement within her started to build. She hadn't seen him for a couple of days due to his back to back schedule with games and various appointments/meetings during his downtime. She couldn't help but admit that she missed him. 

 Distance definitely makes the heart grow fonder. 

As she steamed and organized the clothes hanging on the rack in front of her, she notices her phone light up due to an incoming call.


"An inmate from San Quentin State Prison is trying to reach you, do you accept?" 


"Hey Heart." She softly smiles hearing Jomari's voice on the other line.

"Jome, you can't be calling me at any hour of the day." She chuckles. "I'm at work."

"My bad, ma. I just wanted to call and quickly say thank you."

"Thank you? For what?"

"Stephen came in here the other day."

"What?" She asked, surprised. 

"He didn't tell you?"

"No, I haven't seen him cause he's been busy."

"Well, he actually came through and talked to me for a minute. He's a really cool dude."

"Wow." She laughed. "Jomari and Stephen getting along, I see?"

"Surprise, surprise. Don't mean I'm easing up on you though."

"Whatever Jomari." She laughed. "What'd ya'll talk about?"

"Nah, that's for us men to know."

"Oh okay, so you just used your minutes to brag about your date with Stephen?"

"Pretty much. And to say thank you for actually getting him to come here."

"I didn't even say much about you."

"Well damn, maybe he just wanted to meet me?" She shook her head.

"Yeah, maybe. Well I'm glad you two met and had time to get to know each other a bit."

"Yeah, it was cool. He'll take care of you, I'm not worried."


"Alright, I'ma let you get back to doing your big girl thing. I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay. Take care, alright? Love you, bighead."

"Ain't as big as yours. Love you too." She quickly ended the call to get back to work. The connection she shares with Jomari has been one of the deepest she's ever had. For her to find out that he was getting released early made her happy. Lord knows it wasn't his fault he ended up in there for so long. Second, she couldn't believe Stephen actually went out of his way to meet him and talk to him. 

If that isn't real, then what is?

She never stressed it to him, just because it was his decision on whether or not he wanted to meet Jome and see what he was about. Heart swears she could smother the man in kisses right now if she could. It meant so much to her.

As soon as she stepped out of work, she immediately called Stephen to see where he was at. Today was a long day at work for Heart, and she was pretty tired and hungry. 

"Hey gorgeous!" He said, overjoyed. 

"Wardell." She giggled and bit onto her bottom lip, feeling refreshed hearing his voice. "Where are you?"

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