ten | the saving grace

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After dropping Logan off at school in the morning, Heart took a quick nap. She was tired and she hadn't been able to sleep well since she's worked late hours at the club. So at this moment, even if the day was quickly passing, sleep was all too good to her.

Until a call interrupted her sleep.

She groaned at the unfamiliar number, a bit glad it wasn't Stephen or else she was ready to throw a little bit of attitude his way knowing she was catching up on sleep.

"Hello?" She answered grumpily.

"Uhm, hi. May I speak to Ms. Heart Dawson?" She immediately sat up, hearing the tone of professionalism coming from the woman.

"This is she."

"Hey Heart,My name is Natalie Dominique and I'm the Director of Allure here in our San Francisco office. How are you doing today?" Her eyes widened and her palms became sweaty as the nervousness overcame her body.

"I'm doing well, and yourself?"

"I'm great, thank you. I believe Mr. Curry is a good friend of yours? He had a lot of great things to say about you and we could definitely use some help in the office. Would you be able to come in for an interview tomorrow morning so we can talk to you a little bit more and see what your interests are?"

"Oh my god." She chuckled. "Yeah, I would love to."

"Great! You'll be meeting with myself and the Editor-in-Chief, Christen. She's the one you'd be working side by side with majority of the time. Does 10AM sound okay with you?"

"Yeah that's perfectly fine!"

"Okay, perfect. I'll send you an email with more information. Thanks so much, Heart. Looking forward to meeting you."

"Thank you." She bit her lip before ending the call to make sure she didn't squeal too loud. Heart couldn't explain her emotions at the moment; she was beyond overjoyed to be blessed with an opportunity and Stephen was to thank for it all. She took a moment to express her excitement before calling him to tell him about the news.

"Oh, look who's finally awake." He says sarcastically as he picks up the phone. She bites onto her lip once more hearing his voice. "What's cooking, good looking? You couldn't answer my texts?"

"Damn, Wardell. You know I catch up on my sleep when I can." She chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess. But you nap for too damn long. Make a man feel all lonely and everything."

"Oh jeez. But I have something to tell you." She giggled, making him chuckle on the other line.

"God, please don't tell me there's someone else."

"Okay, first of all. It's good news. Second, who are you and what did you do with the confident "say my name" Wardell?"

"Oh, did you like that? I could bring that back real quick."

"Stop. Did you even listen to what I said earlier?"

"Yes, you have some good news for me. You know, if you're going to tell me you had feelings for me, I already knew."

"I'm about 5 seconds from hanging up on you." She laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'm done. Don't tell me. Let me come see you after shoot around."

She sighed playfully. "Ugh, fine."

"I gotta go. I'll see you later, Sleeping Beauty." She quietly chuckled before putting the phone down. Looking at the time, she realized it was almost time to pick up Logan at school. "Shit." She mumbled to herself, unaware that she indeed napped for a long time.

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