Zelda: A New Spin on the Legend Chapter 7

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Link's eyes snapped open, they glance hastily around the room. He sees a beam of lightpeaking through his curtains. He got up from the warmth and comfort of his own bed. Streching he got his clothes and showered.

After that, he then prepares and eats breakfast for himself in silence. He was containing a lot of his emotions and impatience to see how Navi was doing. When he was brushing his teeth he thought of Navi's dead corpse on the examination table he saw her on yesterday. He threw that thought out of his head as he leaves his abode. As he exiits his home he's over come with anxietiyand starts running towards the clinic, even though Epona was ready to go in her stable. 

When he arrives at the clinic he stops to cathc his breath and to calm himself down. He takes a deep breath and enters the clinic.

"Hey Rosalina," Link smiles as he approaches the front desk," is Navi here for me to pickup?"

"Yes, she is," Rosalina says as she shuffles papers, "if you could please take a seat and I'll call you when the doctor's ready."

Link curtly nodded then he took a seat and starting shaking one leg while drumming his fingers on the other one.

"Okay thanks,"  a slightly familiar voice says as the door opens, "Link? You may come in."

Link turns his head to see Alphonse ,"Okay," Link sighs as he stands up, "hey, aren't you that guy from yesterday? The one I bumped into?"

"Oh yeah! That was you wasn't it?" Alphonse chuckles, "anyways I'm Alphonse."

"I'm Link," Link replies, "I'm here to pick up Navi, is she alright?"

"Link!" Navi gasps as she zooms into the room.

"Hey, there you are!" Link beams," are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thanks to Alphonse," Navi tells Link.

"It was nothing," Alphonse blushes.

"Thank you so much!" Link smiles as he and Alphonse shake hands, "see you around right?"

"Of course," Alphonse assures them, "see  you guys later."

The group exchange smiles with one another, then Link and Navi leave the clinic. Link whistles for Epona, when Epona arrives Link mounts her and Navi soars into the safety of Link's hat. Then Link rides off towards their house. On their way home, they here a shrill, "HEY!"

Link turns around to see the postman running up to them.

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