Zelda: A New Spin on the Legend Chapter 14

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Link and Lila enter the throne room to see Safira, Raine, and Naliah arguing.

"What great timing I have," Lila sighs, "sorry you had to get it this time too."

"It's fine," Link laughs, "my timing has nev--"

Link was unable to finish as Safira, Raine, and Naliah charge at him. They squeal, "LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3" and glomp him, which makes him fall to the ground.

"That's enough!" Dormir bellows, "you girls have suffocated him for long enough!"

He grabs Safira, Raine, and Naliah and shoves them behind him while Lila helps Link up.

"Everyone! Everyone!" Zelda calls out, "is this how powerful Sages should act?"

"Not at all my lady," Raru replies with a sad shake of his head, "if only they were like theirancestors."

"Come on Raru," Lila sighs, "not everyone's perfect. At least we try our best and none of us have died yet."

"You, Dormir, and I are the only ones who take their sagely positions seriously," Rarugrumbles, "the others have no care for their jobs."

"Raru!" Zelda exclaims, "Link didn't travel all this way to see us argue and offend one another, let's get him up to date on everything."

"Of course, my apologies," Raru bows, "Sages! Form up! Link, stand in the center of our circle."

Link nods in reply as the Sages aligned in a circle. Link walks slowly into the circle, because this mission would be very dangerous, and involve his twin, Dark Link.

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