Zelda: A New Spin on the Legend Chapter 43

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"Lila? What are you doing?" Dark Link asks.

"I wonder if there's anything at the top of this tower," Lila muttered.

"Let's check it out!" Naliah cheered as she grabbed Lila's wrist and bolts up the stairs, leaving Dark Link in the dust (or sand more rather).

"Wait!" Dark Link shouts as he runs after them.

"No, you catch up!" Naliah shouts back.

"Agh! You desert girls are so stubborn!" Dark Link yells as he zooms up after them.

"Excuse me?" Naliah asks angrily as she stops at the top of the stairs.

"You heard me," Dark Link smirks as he stops on the stairs and crosses his arms.

"I know," Naliah smirks. "But I have Lila up here with me."

"Well then, I'll have to change that," Dark Link smirks before starting up the stairs again.

"Only if you can get past me," Naliah grins as she looks at her nails.


"There's no end to them!" Vaati yells to Link as he casts a tornado.

"Don't worry, there will be!" Link yells back, knocking a guard out as more surround him.

"Brother, should I?" Twinrova asks Vaati.

"Let me, Link, and Navi escape in the caravan, then we'll come back for you." Vaati tells her. "Link! Navi! Let's go!"

"Alright," Link says as he makes his way to the caravan with Navi in toe.

"Hurry!" Vaati shouts to them as he jumps into the driver's spot and grabs the reins. "Twinrova! Start!"

Twinrova nods just as Link and Navi pile into the caravan and Vaati rushes the caravan towards the desert. The caravan abruptly stops and they all watch a glorious explosion rise from the fortress.

"Wow," Link says in awe.

"Yeah, she's a bit of a hothead," Vaati smirks.

"But isn't that why you love me brother?" Twinrova calmly asks as she appears from the smoke that was rolling towards them.

"One of the many reasons," Vaati smiles.

"Good, let's find Dark Link and Lila," Twinrova smiles as she climbs into the caravan.

"That was quite an amazing display of power!" Navi complements.

"It was nothing," Twinrova giggles.

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