Zelda: A New Spin on the Legend Chapter 51

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A quick note, we're almost finished here but don't be sad, I have my Majora's Mask story and I'm working on the prequel to this story, because that's what I originally planned back when I started this story. Thank you for all the feed back you guys have given me and I've taken your thoughts into consideration as I write the prequel to this tale. HAPPY READING!!! :D


Lila and Naliah enter the Temple of Time by teleporting onto the Triforce transporter Link would normally use.

"It's so big and white in here," Naliah observes.

"Yes, it's an amazing place to play your ocarina or other musical instrument in here," Sheik agrees as he appears after them.

"Thank you for taking us here," Lila smiles.

"Anytime sages," Sheik waves as he disappears in a cloud of smoke.

"Let's go meet with our fellow sages," Lila says, breaking the short silence.

"Yes, let's," Naliah agrees before the two focus their minds on the Chamber of Sages.

It didn't take long for them to arrive, but the sages were in a commotion when they came.

"Raru! You can't be serious!!" Safira screams at him.

"I am serious, more serious than any of you could ever understand," Raru evilly grins.

"You're mad!" Raine snaps.

"What's going on?" Naliah spoke up.

"Oh look, it's the two traitors," Raru laughed.

"What are you talking about?" Lila demands as she clenches her fists and glares at Raru.

"Don't let him get to you little one," Dormir kindly smiles, "His mind has been tainted by Ganondorf."

"That's Lord Ganondorf to you and he will destroy the Hero of Time single-handedly," Raru bosts.

"He's going to have a hard time when Link arrives with help," Lila smirks.

"Yeah, they'll kick his butt before he can even see it coming!" Naliah added.

"They're all traitors, that measly shadow, those two rouge mages, it's because of your magic that they were forced to serve Link like a dog!" Raru shouts at Lila.

"I would never use my magic for that! And you know that!" Lila hollers at Raru.

"Lies, everyone and everything spewing lies to me,"  Raru sighs.

"I think he needs some enlightenment," Raine whispers to Lila.

"I agree, we should call Zelda to straighten things out," Lila suggests.

"What are you two whispering about?" Raru yelled.

"Wouldn't Ganny-poo's little dog like to know," Lila smirks as Raine passes the message to the other sages.

"How dare you," Raru growls," I think you need a little lesson."

Raru summons a glowing ball of tremendously bright light and launches it at Lila. Lila, blinded by the light instinctively holds out her hands and absorbs the ball and stores it with her power.

"Now Raru, I can shoot this back at you," Lila begins, "but my fellow sages and I would rather purify your mind together."

"I never thought I'd see the day when Raru's mind was tainted," Zelda sighs as she elegantly strides into the chamber.

"L-lady Zelda!" Raru gaspes as Zelda begins to charge the power the five sages were giving her.

"Begone," Zelda commands before firing a ray of light surrounded by the sages' colors at Raru.

Raru screams a horrid scream as a shadowy figure reveals itself from Raru. Safira began to quake as she realised what was going on.

"Safira, what's wrong?" Dormir asks.

"T-t-t-t-t-t-that's Phantom Ganon!" Safira shrieks.

Hello, little forest fairy," Phantom Ganon smiles.

"Get out of here!" Zelda commands as she shoots the ray of light at Phantom Ganon.

"Not before I complete the task at hand," Phantom Ganon grins a big toothy grin with his eyes glaring at Zelda. "I was told to distract you by kidnapping you and a sage, but which sage should I take?"

"None of us," Raru growls as he comes to, "Sages! Give all you power to Zelda! Do not break your focus!"

Everyone trusted Raru's words and began to deeply focus all their power to Zelda. In doing so, Zelda started to glow all the colors representing the sages and hovered a couple feet of the ground.

"I command you, with the power of all seven sages and the Triforce of Wisdom, to vanish from this world and go back from where you came; the Afterlife."

"NO!" Phantom Ganon screams a blood curtling scream as he disappears from the chamber in a flash of a swirl of rainbows.

"Good job sages," Zelda pants from power overload, "Now we must rest until Link calls for us."

Then Zelda disappears from the Chamber leaving the echoing words behind, "I will await for your call as I aid the Hero of Time."

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