Zelda: A New Spin on the Legend Chapter 20

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Link was angered by the sight of his twin. He felt like he was being made fun of.

"Why does she still continue to trust that... that freak?!?!" Link growls as he enters KakarikoVillage. "I'll ask Namine, she can peer into the future."

Link walks hastily to the Fortune Teller's Hut. He paused at the door of the purple but painted with gold stars. Sighing, he pulled back the purple door and entered.

"Welcome, Hero of Time." Namine's voice greeted from the darkness.

With no reply Link continues deeper into the darkness, until he sees the light from the crystalball, that revealed Namine's pale face and dark blue eyes.

"Don't be shy," Namine said, "please sit."

Link sits, then glances up at Namine, she pushed her white hair out of her eyes, "I know why you have come."

"Of course," Link smiled. "You're physic."

"Yes," Namine replied, "now I will seek your answer."

She places her hands over the crystal ball. She closed her eyes and chanted in the language of the ancestors. Light filled the room as she ended her chanting and she waved her fingers. Silence lasted for a few seconds, until she opened here eyes and the light faded.

"The answer you seek," Namine explains, "is that your brother has had a change of heart. Don't put him down."

"Okay," Link smiles, "thank you."

He stands, when he exits his smile fades into a grimace of frustration. When Link gets outside he sees Navi waiting for him outside.

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