Zelda: A New Spin on the Legend Chapter 49

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"Where could she be?" Link wondered aloud.

"Somewhere," Dark Link sighs, "We just have to keep looking and hope that we find her safe."

"I just hope more soliders don't come," Link smirks.

"Someone's coming!" Navi gasps, "Hide!"

They take as little time as possible to rush into the shadows of a pillar. Navi, to distinguish her glow, hides in Link's hat so she doesn't give away their location. The twins can't help but hold their breath as shadows emerge and turn into figures, two bandits with a captive Lila in the middle of them.

"Lord Ganondorf will be pleased when your pretty little head's on a platter," one of the bandits sneers at Lila as he grips her hair and pulls her head back to look at him.

"I'll be happy with your head a platter," Lila mumbles.

"Why you--!" the bandit growls then jerks her head farther back.

Lila cries out in pain until the bandit eases his grip on her hair, as a come back she snaps, "What jealous, Baldly?"

"Bit your tongue," the other bandit snaps before the other bandit could harm her again. He grasps her face with his hand and forced her to look into his eyes, "Your death will be slow, that'll teach you."

"Dark Link, no!" Link whispers as he grabs his brother's trembling arm, "You're going to give us away and put Lila in more danger, they're armed."

Dark Link takes a deep sigh and clenches his fists, "We need to think of a plan to get her out of their grasp."

"I know, but let's wait and see what happens, will go from there, I promise you we won't leave without her alive," Link smiled at his brother as he rubbed his back.

"Slow death? Really? Is that all you have to threaten me?" Lila guffawed evilly, " Well I'll give you this, your death will be just as slow, or possibly even more slow."

Soon her dark magic creeps up the two bandits like a disease, the bandits release her and scream in terror.

"You little snot!" one cried.

"What's going on? What are you doing to me?" the other shouted.

"S--stay away from us!" they cried together as they started to run, but the magic devoured them before they could even go an inch.

"What was that?" another bandit asks.

"I don't know, hey! What's going on? Get HER!" the bandit's companion roared as other bandits entered the room and surrounded her.

"Let's shoot arrows," Dark Link suggests.

Link nods in agreement, they both draw back and release their arrows at the same time, but striking to completely different bandits.

Lila doesn't notice the arrows until she opens her eyes to see the bandits she's strangling with her magic have been shot by arrows.

"What in the?" Lila inhales as she lowers her arm to release the bodies, then she walks over tot he nearest bandit and inspects the arrow,

"Did we scare you?" Link chuckles as he and Navi reveal themselves.

"Link! Navi! I'm so glad you're here!" Lila giggles as she hugs Link while Navi nuzzles her cheek.

"Even me?" Dark Link sullenly asks as he reveals his presence.

"Of course I would," Lila smiles as she runs to Dark Link who spins her around. "Sorry to put you all through this trouble."

"Not a problem," Dark Link cooed.

"It's what we do," Link nods. "Shall we meet up with the others?"

"Yep!" Navi shines.

"Sure, are you ready Lila?" Dark Link worries.

Lila grabs his hand, "Uh h.uh."

Dark Link blushes as Link and Navi hold in happy chortles.

"Ah... Let's just go," Dark Link huffs.

Link, Navi, and Lila slightly laugh as they walk of to meet up with the others.

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