Chapter 1

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       "Only a master of evil, Darth."


For a second they stared at each other, observing and pondering. Nyx brushed some leaves off of her dark blue tunic to break the tension. There were so many questions racing through her mind. Yet she remained wary. There was no telling if this man called Kylo Ren really was working with the First Order. He could be with the Resistance for all she knew. Her eyes, hidden under her hood, flickered down to his black leather gloved hands and noticed that he held his lightsaber tightly, as if he was expecting an attack from her at any moment. It seemed that he felt the same way about her as she did him.

The ground around them was littered with the dead bodies of Gabins, some had plasma arrows protruding from their chests, and others had broken necks from the powerful force pulse. A cough escaped Nyx's lips as she cleared her throat and strode over to Gabin corpse. She could sense Kylo's eyes watching her as she bent down and yanked the plasma arrow from the chest of a Gabin.

"Why are you here?" The silence was suddenly broken like shattering glass as Nyx finally spoke up. "There must be a reason. No one really comes to Iskar, unless you have a death wish." She slid her quiver off her shoulder and added three more arrows, removed from the bodies of the dead Gabins.

Ren looked uncomfortable and clipped his lightsaber onto his belt. "Of course I have a reason to be here. If I didn't have a reason, I would not be here."

Nyx was interested and gestured her hand at him. "Do explain."

"I do hope you know well who Supreme Leader Snoke is, am I correct?"

Nyx pursed her lips. Yes, she had heard of the powerful figure that controlled the First Order. Bounty hunters often came to the Planet of Ishkar to exchange bounties, trade and simply hide out. Once and a while, she had overheard a few conversations. Many of them talked about the first order, and one time she heard about Supreme Leader Snoke and how he had power over living beings and struck fear into the hearts of any humanoid creature. Deciding to keep her answers short and clipped she said, "Yes."

Kylo looked around a little bit, as if he was looking for a place to sit, but rocks were all that could be used. Apparently rocks weren't to his liking for he continued to stand, even if he looked uncomfortable.

"Supreme Leader Snoke perceived your Force presence from all the way across the Galaxy. Deciding that you could either be a threat to the First Order of a valuable ally, he gave me the mission of either recruiting you to join us, or to eradicate you if you chose not to. The choice is yours. I trust that you will choose wisely or face the consequences." Even though he wore a black metal helmet and a black hood, Nyx could almost feel him smirking and raising an eyebrow. The gears started to turn in her mind. The First Order was powerful and controlled most of the Galaxy. If she joined them, she would be awarded with further teachings of the force and appointed a high position-possibly a commander. Unlimited power seemed good to her. But there was one question: what was the catch? She scuffed a bit of dirt and tapped her fingers on her thigh. After a few minutes of thinking she came to a conclusion, and an answer. But it was not one that Kylo Ren was expecting.

"What's in it for me?"

He seemed taken aback. "Pardon?"

"I want to know what I'll be receiving in return for my service to the First Order." When he didn't reply instantaneously she sighed and rolled her eyes, which were hidden underneath her hood. "You cannot expect me to just join you like some sort of domesticated canine."

"I see." He drew out the word see. "What do you want—Credits? I'm sure the First Order will be able to provide you with a suitable amount—"

"No," She interrupted giving a dismissive wave of her hand. "I care not about money. What I want does not involve Credits, nor does it involve power."

He seemed interested. "If not credits or Power, what is it that you want?"

For a second the helmeted man could've sworn he saw a flicker of glowing amber eyes beneath the hood. But it was gone like a blown out flame. There was a moment of silence before Nyx uttered one chilling word:



He couldn't help but watch her as they leaped into lightspeed. Something about her intrigued him and he wanted to learn more about her. Her force aura was the most powerful aura he had ever felt besides the supreme leader.

It had taken three hours to persuade her to join the First Order. When they finally boarded his command shuttle, Nyx had been promised with being appointed a high position, further teachings in the force, and, of course, revenge. Kylo didn't know why she hated the Resistance like she did. The woman hadn't provided him with much information. But Kylo had a feeling that he didn't want to press her for more answers.

"Why are you staring at me?"

He stiffened and his face, fortunately hidden behind his helmet, turned as red as the lava on Mustafar. He quickly recovered and cocked his head to the side. "You are an interesting specimen. You would be surprised how hard it is to not study you intently."

"Well-" she crossed her right leg over her right "-could you study someone intently that isn't me?" Was that a bit of cheekiness in her voice?

"There's nothing here as interesting as you," Kylo said with a shrug of his broad shoulders. There was nothing special about his command ship. It simply symbolized his power and rank over others.

She was silence for a moment. Then she let out a small sigh and brushed some nonexistent dirt off her tunic before saying anything. "I do hope that you will honor our deal."

"Do I look like the person that would ever break a promise?"

"I've learned not to trust anyone until you truly know them." She glanced over at the stormtroopers flying the ship. "For all I know, you could use me, and then betray me."

Kylo chuckled. "Personally, you don't seem like the type of person I want to betray."

"That would be a wise decision."

"Exiting Lightspeed sir," a stormtrooper called from up front. Seconds later there was a loud beeping noise and Nyx's cold heart suddenly started to thump loudly in her chest.

"You are afraid," Kylo noticed. "Why is that?" he watched her as she shifted her position and glared at him.

"I'm not afraid. I'm just a little anxious— that's all," Nyx insisted. "Don't make assumptions that aren't true."

He snorted and shook his head. The command shuttle gave a jolt as it came out of lightspeed and started to steer towards a huge planet with a huge gap that went all the way around the middle of the planet. In the front was an enormous red device. It made the planet almost look like it had an eye.

"Welcome to Starkiller base...Nyx."

The loud beeping stopped. "We're entering the Atmosphere sir."

Nyx looked over at Kylo Ren. "Is it a weapon of some sort?"

"Yes," He answered. "It will be the most powerful weapon in the entire Galaxy as soon as it is ready, which I assume will not be for many years."

The hooded woman clicked her tongue. "Pity, I would love to see how a weapon of such size would work."

"I assure you, you will not be disappointed," Kylo promised. From up front the sound of the Stormtroopers entering the entry code could be heard and then, minutes later, Nyx felt the command shuttle land.

"Come." Kylo gestured for her to follow him as the ramp lowered. "The Supreme Leader does not like to be kept waiting."

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