Chapter 14

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"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."


The hallways were complete chaos. Soldiers, officers, and droids were running to and fro. Some ran into eachother. But Nyx paid them no mind and ran to the control room nearly slamming into General Hux.

"Hux!" She gasped with relief. "You're just the person I wanted to see."

The redheaded general looked confused. "I see. Snoke wishes to speak to Ren. Do you know of his location?"

Nyx shook her head but then came up with an idea. "You had a tracker placed on his belt, yes?" There was a loud boom from above them.

"Yes. What are you implying?"

"And you have a tracker on my belt, yes?"

"You would be correct. Please tell me what your idea is."

"Ready his shuttle and use your tracker to find me."

Hux sniffed indignantly. "I'm not fond of this idea."

She snarled and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "If we don't have him, we may as well lost this war!" She shoved him back. "I don't need your help anyway!"


She estimated that she only had several minutes to find him and get off the base. Before everything exploded. Damn him, she thought to herself, damn him and his idiocy!

A crack in the ground appeared before her and she quickly leaped over it to avoid falling into the molten rock below. Her breathing was quick and sharp as she leaped over falling trees, and cracks in the ground. With everything collapsing around her, it was hard to see things—until suddenly, out of the corner of her eye; she saw a flash of red and blue. Lightsabers!

Letting out a sigh of relief she quickly ran towards the red and blue flashes, dodging falling trees as she went. As she got closer, she could make out the Scavenger wielding a blue lightsaber and scurrying away from Kylo's deadly slashes and swings. What a coward, running from her opponent.

She watched from the shadows as Kylo slowly pushed her back towards a steep cliff. Her breath caught when the Scavenger swung the blue blade towards his head but he quickly caught it using his cross guard blades and shoving her backwards using their locked blades. For a minute the scavenger's back was hanging over the cliff as Kylo pushed her backwards. The girl's face was contorted in concentration as she fought against his strength.

Nyx could just make out over the rumble of the crumbling base and the crackling of blades, Kylo yelling, "I can show you the ways of the Force!"

Reading the girl's lips, Nyx saw her murmur, "The force." And then she closed her eyes. Was this girl using the Force?! Surely not! And when she opened her eyes, the hooded woman saw that she was filled with newfound power. Nyx's jaw went agape. How was this possible?! Filled with fear for her partner, Nyx watched as the girl ferociously showered him with a series of powerful strikes, and grazing his shoulder.

This was enough! She would not allow Kylo to be humiliated like this! The furious Apprentice reached for one of her lightsabers but cried out as the girl slashed the bottom portion of Kylo's robes. To her dismay, the critically wounded man somehow got to his feet and swung his blade clumsily at the girl. The slash was quick but sloppy and Nyx screamed in horror as the blade slashed across Kylo's face.

"KYLO!" She raced to his side and cradled his head in her hands. There was a now a bloody gash that went from his forehead, between his eyes, across the bridge of his nose down his right cheek, all the way to his jawline. "Kylo wake up please!" She shook his limp body. Her terror was soon replaced with rage and hatred. "You," She snarled looking at the scavenger. Gently, Nyx set him down and rose to her full height with one of her lightsabers ignited. Kylo may have been wounded, but she was not. But before she could kill the scavenger where she stood, a huge crack formed between them so that the girl was on one side and she was on the other. "I won't forget this!" Nyx screamed. "I will kill you for what you have done! And next time, you won't escape so easily!" Then the girl was gone.

A tear fell down onto Kylo's face. He was so pale and still-barely breathing. Her gloved hand caressed his non-slashed cheek tenderly. Another tear fell from her eye and she laid her head down on his chest. Her ears perked and she lifted her head as a bright light shone down upon them. It was Kylo's command Shuttle.

"Hux!" Nyx exclaimed in shock as the redheaded general descended down the ramp and ran over to them.

"We do not have much time," He stated firmly. "We must get him onboard quickly." Reluctantly Nyx let go of Kylo as two female officers got him onto a holostretcher and took him onboard. "Come now." Hux gestured for her to follow him. Nyx nodded dazedly and quickly followed him onboard where she took a seat next Kylo.

"What's his condition?" She asked the two female officers as the shuttle took off away from the slowly collapsing planet. Her hand played with his dark hair.

"He's lost a lot of blood, but we have him in stable condition at the moment," one of the woman reported her eyes flickering down to Nyx's hands that were caressing his cheek. The hooded woman shot her a glare when she noticed the officer watching her. The other woman quickly looked at her datapad and typed something down.

Suddenly, Kylo grabbed hold of Nyx's arm startling her. "Kylo! What-"

"Where am I?" He demanded harshly. His chest heaved up and down and the grip on her arm became tight enough to probably cause light bruising.

"You are aboard your command shuttle. Thanks to Hux, he helped get you off the base before it exploded," Nyx answered patting his arm that held her.

"Hux.....?" He glanced at the rigid general and Nyx thought he saw something pass between them. The general gave a small nod and continued to stare out of the window.

"We're taking you to the Finalizer where you will receive medical treatment," She said calmly. "Your wounds are grave."

"And my father?" He looked at her for answers and she shook her head.

"He's dead...remember?" Nyx reminded him softly. It hurt her to remind him of killing his father.

Kylo seemed to slump down in realization. All the events that had happened seemed to all come back to him. He reached up to touch his face but Nyx grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Your face...the scavenger slashed it. It's possible that it won't ever heal."

His eyes turned downcast and he avoided her gaze.


Again, sorry for the short chapter. I was struggling with writer's block. More is coming soon so don't worry. :)

Thank you,


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