chapter 2

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"Let the Darkness consume you."


The ragged woman looked very out of place in the shiny, pristine halls of Starkiller Base, where everything and everyone, was polished to perfection. With her dirty boots and ripped clothes, she was hard to not look at. She squirmed under the scrutinizing stares. One day, she thought to herself, they will learn to show some respect around me.

"You seem uncomfortable," Kylo commented, noticing the way she started to wring her hands and look down at the ground more. "Do their stares unnerve you?

Yes, she thought to herself. It had been years since she had been the center of attention and it frightened her greatly. But she remained impassive and didn't answer him. In time, if Snoke accepted her, she would get used to the constant glances. And one day, in the near future, they would not stare at her with disgust and scrutiny, they would stare at her with fear in their eyes and quickly glance away from her as if frightened that she would murder them just by looking at her. This caused a smile to form on her covered lips. The power she could hold over others!

The two walked in silence through the bustling hallways and corridors until they reached two huge double doors that instantly opened when they came to a stop in front of it. Nyx swallowed hard and took a deep breath as they entered the huge dimly lit chamber. The walkway was lined with glowing lights, but still, it didn't provide much light in the dank chamber. Nyx jumped as a huge hologram suddenly flickered to life and a huge form took shape at the end of the walkway.

"Supreme Leader," Kylo greeted with a respectful nod of his head. His altered voice echoed throughout the dark chamber. The now nervous woman felt Kylo nudge her in the ribs and she started. Realizing what she had to do, she bowed her head.

"So...this is the force user that I felt." His deep grating voice sent chills up and down her spine. The figure sitting in the throne-like seat leaned forward and Nyx fought the urge to recoil in disgust.

His face was practically deformed from so many scars. His pale glassy eyes were sunken into his face and there was a terrible scar that ran diagonally down his face. It looked like his jaw had been broken many times for it was slightly crooked and he had no hair.

"Yes master," Kylo answered with a nod of his head. "She was found on the Planet of Ishkar."

The horribly deformed figure leaned back again and tapped his long gnarled fingers on the armrest of his throne. "I must admit that I was hoping for...perhaps a little...more." He gestured at her with a sneer on his thin scarred lips.

Offended, Nyx spoke up angrily. "I assure you Supreme Leader, I will not fail you. Just because I am a woman does not mean that I cannot do the missions that Ren can do."

"She has a point Supreme Leader," Kylo suddenly said taking her by surprise. "I've seen her skill. She is strong with the force. I am certain that will more training, she will become extremely powerful. With our power combined," He gestured at himself and Nyx with his leather gloved hand, "We could perhaps become more power than Vader himself."

"Hmm...that is something to think about," Snoke said thoughtfully tapping a gnarled finger to his chin. "My training methods aren't for the weak. Are you sure that you can handle the suffering?" He seemed to be almost taunting her, and it made her frustrated.

"If Ren can do it, so can I," She replied coolly. "Besides, I like a challenge." From the corner of her eye, she caught Kylo Staring at her, but when she glanced at him, he quickly looked away. When the Supreme Leader didn't answer she cleared her throat and started to pace back and forth with her hands clasped behind her back. "Think of me like a nearly finished painting. You have the main part of the painting completed. Now all you have to do is add the details and the shading."

"I see." He smirked at her then gave a dismissive wave of his hand. "Go now. By tomorrow I will have come to a decision." Then the hologram flickered and the throne and supreme leader vanished.


"I believe I should say thank you," Nyx said gratefully as she and Kylo walked briskly down a corridor. Although her heart was as cold as ice, she still felt the need to thank him for speaking up when the Supreme Leader was sneering at her. For a minute Kylo said nothing. Nyx got the feeling that he hadn't been thanked very much in his life.

"Whatever for?" They turned sharply down another hall and then took a left which led them to a huge hanger where the black command shuttle sat waiting for them.

"For standing up for me," Nyx said casually with a shrug of her shoulders as they climbed the metal ramp and took a seat inside the shuttle. "I didn't think you had the audacity to help me."

Kylo Ren snorted and tapped his boot on the floor of the shuttle. Then he clasped his gloved hands in front of him. "There is no need to thank me Nyx. The only reason I did it was because I think we need all the power we can get to crush the Resistance." The Command shuttle exited the hanger and started to head towards a huge Star Destroyer.

"I take it that this is your Star Destroyer?" Nyx asked with a raised eyebrow.

He nodded and replied in a curt voice, "The Finalizer."

Nyx smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. "A suitable name."


"Landing sir," A clone said from the front. Kylo gave a satisfied nod of his head then started to move his way to the back right as the ramp lowered and they descended down it.

"If I may ask Ren, where are you taking me?" They were once again speed walking through another hallway and Nyx was becoming increasingly tired of seeing the same hallways and corridors again and again. Seriously, they could've chosen a better color than black and white.

"If you are to stay here for quite some time, I suggest that you are given your own chambers," Kylo said looking down at her. He was quite tall-maybe a head taller than her. She estimated a few inches taller than six feet. Ugh, he made her five foot six height seem so short.

"How hospitable of you," She snorted having slight difficulty keeping up with his incredibly long legs and fast gait. And she though that she was a fast walker!

"Just because we're the First Order doesn't mean that we don't have some decency." Was that joking in his voice? She suppressed a laugh before nearly slamming into his back as he came to a stop.

"I'm guessing this is my room?" Nyx rolled her eyes when he didn't answer. Obviously Ren wasn't very talkative. She fell silent as he pressed a button and the door slid open revealing a spacious room. They stepped inside and the door automatically closed. The floor was white and shiny, and the walls were a simple dark grey. Against the wall in to the left of her was a large black bookcase, but it held no books. And situated against the wall in front of her was a long black desk with a data pad placed neatly on top of it, ready to use.

"I'm sure that if the Supreme Leader allows you to stay, you will have plenty of time to modify and rearrange things," Kylo said from behind her as she looked around with awe written on her hidden features. "The bedroom is down that way-" He pointed down a hall to her left, "-Along with the Refresher and wardrobe."

Nyx nodded her head in gratitude. "I appreciate the accommodation." She turned around to face him. "If I may be so bold...could I perhaps...see your face?"

Kylo instantly stiffened and started to twiddle his thumbs nervously. "I-I have some duties I must carry out. I'll be back to check on you later." Then he was gone, just a fast the the Supreme Leader, leaving Nyx alone in her chambers.


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