Chapter 45

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"Poe, I don't think this is a good idea. We've been out here for hours and it's starting to get late, maybe we should head back," Finn said anxiously. "Besides, I'm kinda hungry."

"Relax my friend. We're on an adventure! We're exploring!" Poe replied with a grin over his shoulder. "You had the choice to come or not, I didn't pressure you into coming ya know."

The ex-stormtrooper grumbled under his breath and hiked after the Resistance pilot. Poe did have a point though. He didn't have to come if he didn't want to. Why did he come was the question. Maybe it was because he was bored; maybe it was because he wanted to hang out with his best friend. He didn't know. "Do you even know what lives in forests like these?"

"No, do you?" Poe asked, shoving some tree branches aside and then letting go of them right as Finn was behind him, whacking the poor man in the face. "Oh, whoops. Sorry bud."

Finn spat some leaves out of his mouth and glared at the back of Poe's head. "Of course I don't!"

There was a chuckle from Poe. "Well, if there are any creatures that decide to attack you, I'll shoot them with this." He held up a blaster rifle. "Don't worry Finn; I'll protect you from the big bad scary monsters."

"Shut up Poe," He snapped irritably. "Can we please head back now?"

"Nah, we haven't seen enough yet."

"Do you have any idea where you're going?" Finn gave an annoyed huff and nearly tripped over a raised root. "Do you even know what you're doing?"

"'Course I know what I'm doin'. I've been trained how to live in the wild since I was seven years old. I know exactly where I'm go—" The ground suddenly gave way beneath them and the two men went tumbling head over heels down the steep ravine. Finn could feel pebbles and sticks scratch and cut his skin, and mud seeped through his clothes to his skin underneath. The world around him whirled and spun as he rolled like a useless boulder. And then finally, he felt his body come to a stop next to a small stream.

"Thank the force," He gasped in relief. But then he turned his head right as Poe's rolling body barreled into him and Finn found himself lying flat down in the stream. "Get off of me Poe."

"Sorry bud," Poe apologized as he stood and scratched the back off his head. "Well I definitely wasn't expecting that, were you?"

"No, I wasn't," Finn grouched, standing up and wiping the mud from his hand onto his already muddy pants. He stopped and looked around. "Great, now we really are lost. Great job. What's your plan mister wild man?"

Poe gave him a strange look. "'Wild man?'"

Finn glared at him and then raised his brows. "Well? What should we do? You're the guy who's been trained since they were seven to survive in the wild. What do you think we should do?"

The pilot swallowed and his eyes flickered over to the incredibly steep ravine that they had fallen down. "We could try to climb up it."

A look of disbelief was thrown his way. "Really? You want us to climb that thing?"

"Um, on second thought, maybe that's not a very good idea." Poe laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his muddy neck.

"Uh huh."

But then the Pilot's attention was drawn somewhere else. His eyes widened as they landed upon something and he took off after it. "Come on!" He yelled over his shoulder. Finn rolled his eyes and followed his friend begrudgingly.

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