Chapter 43

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"There is good in you."


"Kylo!" Nyx yelled hoarsely, before sprinting after him. Red and black  Spots still blinked before her eyes and she stumbled at first. She let out a grunt and regained her footing, trying to get her legs to function properly again (they were quite shaky). Her hands pressed into the soft soil and she pushed off with her legs, shaking her head to try to get the spots to disappear.

After her legs began to work normally, she nearly leapt forward with inhuman speed. The forest blurred past her and she easily bounded over  a fallen log. Up ahead, she could just make out a flash off black fabric. She was catching up. In only a few minutes she was right behind him.

"Stop!" Nyx cried grabbing his shoulders and tackling him to the ground,  unbeknownst of the steep hill in front of them. Both yelped as they tumbled down it, falling head over heels. Nyx could feel mud smudge her face, twigs pull her hair, and small rocks cut into her skin.

When the two finally came to a stop, they were both breathing heavily, and Nyx was sitting on top of him with her face pressed into his chest. Kylo moved beneath her as he tried to get up but Nyx shoved him back down into the ground. "You are not going anywhere," she said sternly.

"Leave me alone." He tried wriggling out from underneath her but Nyx quickly wrapped her legs around his middle.

"No," she replied stubbornly. "We need to talk and—can you please take that damn helmet off?!"

He grumbled but did as he was told and slipped it off. His dark eyes didn't meet hers. He looked shameful and miserable. "I—I don't know what came over me...I was so angry..."

Nyx silenced him by pressing her middle and index finger to his lips. "The dark side is unpredictable. Do not blame yourself."

His hand reached up, pushed back her dark hair and pulled down the collar of her shirt, revealing her pale skin and the slowly fading purple and blue finger marks on her slim neck. "I did that. I hurt you."

"Just a bruise," she said nonchalantly with a shrug of her shoulders. "It is healing as we speak. Tis' nothing to worry about."

"But I hurt you," he whispered with a shaking voice. His fingers brushed against her skin and she leaned into his touch. "You must hate me."

The beautiful dark-haired woman frowned. "Why would I hate you?" She didn't give him enough time to answer and pressed her lips against his. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she pressed against his chest. The familiar and amazing warm feeling spread throughout her body and she could feel Kylo's arm snake around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Nyx broke apart the kiss and placed both her hand on his chest. "If I hated you, why would I do something like that?"

A small smile seemed to graze his lips. "I'm sorry. I really am."

She placed a small kiss on his forehead. "I know...let's leave it in the past...what's done is done."

Kylo sighed and his shoulders slumped. "How do I face her? The mother I've hated for so many years...I...I'm the one who murdered my father in cold blood. And I thought that it would ease the weight upon my shoulders and cease the light building inside of me...but it did the exact opposite. The light is back, and it's stronger than ever before. Not even my grandfather can help me now."

"I can help you," Nyx whispered. "We can get through this, together. I know we can."

It felt like hours as they sat there in the dry leaves nestled in each others' arms with their eyes closed. Someone could easily have mistaken them to be asleep, they were so still. That was until Nix broke the silence.

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