Chapter 42

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Warning: this part contains abuse that may be triggering to some people. Just to let you know, I do not condone abuse...this is simply a part of the story and is not meant to be triggering. Thank you.

"I can't face her," Kylo said fearfully and he turned to walk away but Nyx grabbed hold of his arm.

"You are not going anywhere," She hissed at him.

"They will be here in less than five minutes," Ora said urgently. "What do we do sister?" There was nervousness in her older sister's voice.

"We greet them," She answered firmly and calmly. "They are now considered allies, not enemies like in the past. Order all troops to be unarmed, we need to show them that we are peaceful and that we welcome them here with open arms."

There was suddenly the sound of thudding hooves and three riders burst from the trees. They skidded to a half in front of her in flurry of dirt.

"Well? What did they say?" Shira demanded flipping a bit of red hair out of her face and glaring at her with dislike on her face.

"They have agreed to join us," Ora said shortly. "And I would watch your tone, not all queens are as kind as ours."

Shira snorted but then her expression morphed into that of shock. "So it worked?"

"Surprised?" Ora asked with raised brow and smirk on her face. "Do you not have faith in your leader?"

The slightly flustered redheaded woman quickly regained her composure and shook her head, the usual sneering expression back on her face. "Why of course not."

Nyx chuckled and pulled her hood back on. "They will be arriving soon," she announced to the others. "I want Ismae, and Asmae to scout ahead, and I want Shira to bring up the rear-make sure others don't fall behind. And Kylo..." it was then that she realized that she wasn't holding Kylo's hand anymore and that he had disappeared. "Kylo?"

Her older sister placed a hand reassuringly on her shoulder. "He will be fine. I'm sure he's just nervous-we all are."

From high up in the sky came the familiar sound of starships. One by one ships appeared out of the clouds. Four flanked a larger cargo ship-no doubt carrying the General onboard. And last but not least came the Falcon-grey, beat up, and nearly falling apart. Who knew that one of the fastest and most famous ships in the galaxy could look like a piece of junk.

"Welcome," Nyx greeted, although her cheeriness was quite forced, and sounded a little too kind to be coming from her. "Camp is just through these trees-" she was just pointing into the forest when someone cut her off.

"Why'd you have us land here though? Why not have us land by your camp?" It was the Pilot-Poe Dameron. Nyx fought hard not to bare her fangs at him. Instead she took a breath and clasped her hands together in front of her.

"Since our last....skirmish with the First Order, we decided to choose a more...concealable place to make camp...we don't want to be attacked now do we?" She tilted her head to the side and eyed him carefully.

Poe bowed his head in surrender.

"Now," Nyx clicked her tongue and instantly Antaru was standing by her side, "if you would just follow me." She swung herself into the saddle and took the reins. The others did the same and they quickly moved down into the trees. "Camp is not too far."

"I hate these bugs," Finn complained, swatting an insect out of his face and making spitting noises. "Disgusting!"

"I think they're fascinating," the scavenger, Rey, said in awe.

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