Chapter 41

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"I'm a monster."


The sun was just beginning to rise into the sky as Poe Dameron walked cautiously through the trees. He cried out as his foot got caught on a root and he face planted into the dirt. The blaster that he had been holding tightly in his hands flew from his grasp and he cursed to himself.

"Why does it always have to be me?" He grumbled. "One hell of a pilot—ha! More like one hell of a klutz." Still muttering under his breath, he got to his feet and brushed the dirt off of his face and clothes. "Why couldn't it have been Finn or Rey?" Poe snatched his blaster from the ground. "Well this is going very smoothly now, isn't it?"

"Why are you talking to yourself?" Poe nearly jumped out of his boots. Instantly he was on alert with his blaster held out in front of him.

"Who's there?" He demanded. "Where are you?"

"Easy Flyboy, I'm not going to hurt you—not today at least." From above him he heard a rustling in the tree branches, then a form landed in from of him. His eyes  widened when he recognized the white-haired woman from yesterday. She was breathtakingly beautiful with her big icy blue eyes, long white hair, pink lips and high cheekbones. Her legs were long and toned, and her body was lithe and lean. "Has your General come to a decision?"

He snapped out of his trance and blinked. "Wha...?"

She huffed and repeated, "I said: has your General come to a decision yet? And please don't make me repeat myself again."

"Uh—yeah—she has," Poe stuttered. "She sent me to give you the message...and—er—tell you what her decision is."

"Hmm..." she tapped her gloved fingers on her arm and observed him for a second. "I'll need your blaster first." At that she held out her hand.

"What? Why? I'm—I'm not gonna shoot you or anything—I swear!" Poe exclaimed.

"I don't believe you," she growled. "Now give me the blaster."

"No," he replied defiantly. But his defiance was short lived when she grabbed it and yanked it from his hands with surprising ease.

"Now," she said coolly as she slid the blaster into her belt around her waist, "I will take you to her.


"Soooo..." Poe said to break the silence. "Do you—uh—have a name?"

"Of course I have a name," she said testily. "My parents didn't just call me baby and say, 'good enough'." When he didn't reply she sighed. "It's Ora."

"Ora..." he seemed to be rolling the name around on his tongue as if trying out a different type of food. "It's very pretty."

"Thank you."

The two walked in silence for the rest if the way, Until they emerged through the trees and saw a large camp with tents. The Murvanians were hurrying around, dousing the fire and helping eachother pull down the tents.

"We have been waiting for many hours. We were thinking that you were not going to come," Ora told him.

At Ora's words, every Murvanian in sight looked up from their work and stared at him. Murmuring could be heard and Poe started to wring his hands uncomfortably.

Ora clapped her hands suddenly and yelled something in a language he couldn't understand. Instantly, the Murvanians ducked their heads and went back to work. Ora then grabbed Poe's arm and tugged him in another direction. "Come, I will take you to her." Ora led him to the back of the camp, away from all the noise and Kylo paled when he saw the giant, winged, reptilian creature. It's long elegant neck was lowered and a hooded figure was scratching the area behind its crest of red spikes. Ora said something to the figure in the language Poe couldn't understand; the figure stopped petting the creature and turned around.

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