Chapter 23

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"May it be the shadow's call will fly away."


The feast was much for festive than Nyx had thought it was to be. Wooden bowls filled to the brim with a thick steaming stew was passed around amongst the people. Laughter filled the air and cheery upbeat music was being played. The stars were beginning to appear in the sky as the sun set and one large silver moon replaced it.

"Beautiful isn't it sister?" Ora sighed with a smile on her face. "Does it not bring back memories?"

Nyx nodded and followed her sister over to the dancing and laughing sounded. "Indeed it does. Nostalgia is nearly smothering me at the moment." So many memories...with her mother and father-dancing with her sister and the other woman in elaborate dresses and eating the delicious fresh fruit and tender meat-the smell of cooking ripe acuba seeds on the fire. "I cannot tell you all the emotions I am feeling at this moment sister."

"Perhaps this will lighten your mood and take your thoughts away from a...certain someone." Ora nudged Nyx playfully and made her eyebrows go up and down teasingly.

The dark haired woman glared at her sister and nudged her back. "Perhaps it might." But then her amber eyes fell upon a man-a man with dark hair that nearly reached his shoulders-a man with pale skin and deep dark eyes that you could almost drown in. "And perhaps not."

"What?" Nyx nodded in Kylo's direction and Ora frowned. "I see...just ignore him Kaeta. You do know, if you are not interested in you think a man like him and a woman such as-"

"No." The Sith apprentice had a horrified look on her face. "Are you asking me for permission to date Kylo Ren?"

Ora shrugged her shoulders and tucked a white strand of hair behind her pointed ear. "It was just a small suggestion."

"I have forgotten how annoying you can be sister," Nyx muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Oh really?" Ora arched one brow. "Then You forget that I am older than you." When she said that, she grabbed a handful of Nyx's black hair and tugged on it, earning a yelp from the other sister.

"Only by just one year!"

They stopped when they reached the celebration and Nyx irritably yanked her hair out of her sister's grasp to avoid looking immature in front of her people. How embarrassing that would've been-to see the two princesses tugging on each other's hair like two little children.

"Hasa," An older Murvanian man greeted with a sweeping bow. "I have reserved a seat especially for you." His Murvanian accent was thick. (Princess)

Nyx nodded thankfully and followed the man to a large patch of grass up in the front next to Ismae and Asmae. "Good evening my friends."

At that moment Shira sat down next to Asame with a bowl of steaming hot stew held in her hands. She snorted. "Friends- since when was I your friend?" Nyx internally groaned. Of course Shira had to sit close to her. She and Shira had always been enemies. Maybe it was because long ago, the Orions were crowned royalty and Amazris were not.

"She was not talking to you Shira," Ora snapped giving the redheaded woman a filthy look. "You had best watch your tongue around your future queen."

Nyx nearly choked on the air and sputtered, "What?"

Just then a man clapped his hands and the lively talking and laughing died down. He began speaking quickly in Murvanian. "Good evening everyone. Would you all please welcome our long lost Princess, Kaeta."

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