Chapter 13

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"Fear will pass but regret lasts forever."


Slow steady breaths. In, out.

Although it was probably not a good time to meditate, Nyx felt the need to tap into her inner self. But this meditation period was different than usual. The images she saw were not of her past but of, possibly, the future. Fire, smoke-so much fire. Yet she felt cold. Where was she? Right as she was delving deeper into her vision, a large explosion rattled her chambers causing her to lose concentration.

The Resistance.

Nyx hissed and rose to her feet. Filled with rage, she marched out of her chambers and down the hall. Something was wrong. But it wasn't just the sudden attack from the Resistance, it was Kylo. Using the force bond, Nyx could feel his fear, anger and determination. What was happening?

Kylo? She was met with nothing. Again she sent him the same message. But there was no reply. Until finally, on the fourth attempt at reaching him, he answered.

Han Solo is here.

She was alarmed. He was here? Now? This wasn't good. She could sense that he had a bad goal in mind. No, he wouldn't....

It's time I settle things once and for all, He said sharply. These feelings need to end. With his death, I will finally be free from my pain. Then he was gone.

Nyx was horrified and quickly reached out with the force, trying to find him as quickly as possible. Killing his father was not the solution to his problems. She had to find him.

Using the force and the force bond to locate him, Nyx sprinted down the halls and corridors, gracefully dodging officers and other running stormtroopers as she went.

She skidded to a halt as she came to the Oscillator Bay. Why was he here? Nyx waited for a moment, looking from one of the many levels in the bay. Until suddenly, he arrived-Han Solo. Did this man know what was about to happen. If only he had the force, perhaps she could reach out to him and warn him, but alas he was a normal human. But then Nyx was faced with another question: why did she care whether Han Solo died or not? She was a Sith Apprentice-there could be no compassionate feelings for another person. Yet she did share a relationship with Kylo. Not a loving relationship but definitely a friendly one. Did this mean that she wasn't a true Sith? Perhaps, but she knew that if Kylo killed his father he would face unimaginable guilt the rest of his life. And she couldn't bare the thought of seeing him like that.

Her ears pricked up when she heard the click as Han Solo and his Wookie friend placed explosives all around the Oscillator Bay. She growled but then there was the sound of footsteps. Kylo was here-she recognized the thud of boots. Her heart thudded in her chest when she watched him get closer and closer to his father who was unaware of his presence. It wouldn't be long now before the two men would engage in a rather tense conversation. Nyx's eyebrows nearly rose into her hairline when she watched Kylo stop nearly twenty feet from his father, roll his shoulders, then head towards the narrow footbridge that crossed over the Reactor Shaft. He was nearly halfway to the other side when Han noticed him and walked over to the start of the footbridge before yelling one loud word that made her ears flatten.


The name echoed throughout the huge Bay and Nyx saw Kylo stop in mid-stride. Then Nyx realized something: Kylo had known that his father was there, he just didn't have what took to confront him. Ah, trying to take the easy road Kylo? She thought to herself with a wry smirk.

Kylo turned around. The wind coming up from the Reactor Shaft made his robes billow around him. "Han Solo. I've been waiting for this day for a long time." Just how long Kylo? She thought. Why didn't you tell me?

The pained father stepped onto the narrow bridge and the tension between them became nearly palpable. "Take off that mask. You don't need it."

"And what will you see if I do?" He was using the same menacing tone that he used on prisoners or officers and sometimes her.

"The face of my son."

Her breath caught in her throat. The sheer pain and sorrow it held...Han was trying to bring Kylo back to the light just as many other had done. But all them had failed and or been killed by Kylo. But Nyx felt something shift inside him, something she hadn't felt in him before. There was a click as the breathing apparatus lifted and he pulled it off his head.

"Your son is gone. He was weak and foolish like his father-" he seemed to nod in his father's direction "-so I destroyed him."

She was impressed how good Han was at hiding his emotions. He wouldn't allow his son's biting words affect him.

"That's what Snoke wants you to believe, but it's not true. My son is alive." So confident and sure...Nyx saw Kylo wince slightly.

"No. The Supreme Leader is wise," he said, more to himself than to his father. Nyx couldn't believe it, he was slipping.

"Snoke is using you for your power." That was actually true, Nyx thought guiltily. "When he gets what he wants he'll crush you." It was her time to wince. It was all true. "You know it's true." It was all very much true.

The conflict that was battling inside of him was obvious. Kylo didn't know which way to go. He seemed so lost and scared.

"It's too late," he murmured. His voice wasn't hard and cold anymore, it was soft and broken. Han Solo was breaking down his walls.

His father was now only a couple feet in front of him and he was still inching closer. "No it's not. Leave here with me. Come home we miss you."

And I'll miss you.

"I'm being torn apart." Nyx could feel tears brimming in her eyes at his broken words that held so much pain. "I know what I have to do but I do not have the strength to do it." There were tears in his eyes as he stared at his father. "Will you help me?"

"Yes, anything," Han breathed with devotion. He took a step closer. He would do anything for his son. He still loved his son dearly, no matter what crimes he committed or how many lives he had slaughtered.

Kylo's helmet made a loud bang as he dropped it on the edge of the Footbridge. Was he really going to leave her? She watched closely as he took out his lightsaber and handed it to his father. But He still held on tightly to the hilt. Nyx could see his arms shaking. There was a couple moments of silence until suddenly Kylo had ignited the blade causing it to go right through Han Solo's body impaling him. She could see the man's shocked face. Before she knew what she was doing she yelled, "NO!" Her cry mixed with the shout of the traitor, the scream of the scavenger, and the pained roar of the Wookie.

Using the force, she leaped from the level and landed beside Kylo just in time to hear him whisper, "thank you."

With loving care, Han Solo reached up and caressed his son's face. Then, Nyx's breath caught in her throat when the dying man looked right into her eyes and gave the smallest nod. Then he was falling down into the reactor shaft.

Crying out, Nyx tried to use the force to stop his fall but he was already gone.

"What have you done?!" She cried staring down into the depths of the Reactor Shaft. Right as she looked up, she saw a red bolt hit Kylo right in the side causing him to cry out and fall to his knees. "KYLO!"

Suddenly, all the left side exploded and the footbridge swayed dangerously. Another explosion made her nearly lose her footing and she quickly leaped to the other side.

"Kylo we must leave!"

But he was staring murderously at something above him. Ignoring her very existence, he ran past her.

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