Chapter 17

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"You may not understand something right now, but one day you will."


Kylo was hit with the feeling of Deja Vu except this time, Nyx was in the medical bay and he was watching over her.

His wrist felt like it was on fire—he must've broken it or twisted it in the fight, and his leg stung from where Skywalker's blue blade had grazed his skin. But he ignored it and watched as Nyx was laid out on a crisp white medical bed.

A cold metal hand grabbed a hold of his injured wrist and he hissed with pain and swatted the droid's mechanical hand away.

"Sir, I must insist that you have your injuries looked after. If your wrist is not seen to, it could result in permanent damage or disfigurement. Your leg could become infected if we don't put bacta on the wound. If we leave it for too long it could-"

"How long will she be in your care?" He interrupted the droid's monotone rant and nodded in Nyx's direction.

"At the rate which her wounds are healing I would estimate about three days," it answered pressing a few buttons on the heart monitor and examining something on a datapad.

Three days? "What's the severity of her wounds?"

"She's fractured half of her ribs and we've determined that one of then has punctured a lung, she has mild head trauma, and a broken arm. Any human would've been killed or severely injured. But thanks to her body's natural ability to heal itself she'll be perfectly fine."

"Good." He went to walk away but the droid zoomed in front of him along with several others.

"Please let me examine your arm and leg. I need to know the full extent of your injuries." the irritated man sighed for he had no choice and followed the droid to the back, leaving Nyx alone.


Where was she?

Nyx opened her eyes and found herself laying on a soft ground covered with fallen leaves. The air was warm and comfortable and the smell of wet soil and blooming flowers greeted her nostrils. Slowly she sat up and looked down at herself.

She was dressed in a short white dress that tickled against her skin. Pieces of dried leaves clung to the thin fabric as stood up. Her hand went up to pull down her hood but her fingers grasped only air. Surprise flashed across her features and looked over her shoulder to find that she wore no hood or mask to cover her face.

This had to be a dream.

The sudden sound of a breaking twig caused her to whirl around. Without the confines of her mask and hood, her long hair tumbled freely down her back.

"Show yourself!" She called out into the forest. But no one replied. This had to be some sort of weird dream. There was no way that she could end up her. She remembered Kylo carrying her onto the command shuttle, the droids wheeling her away on a holostretcher...what was happening?

Another twig cracked, this time behind her. With one graceful movement, Nyx whipped around, grabbed a large rock and hurled it into the bushes.

"Come out! There is no need to hide."

There was a chuckle that sounded like it was right behind her and she lashed out with powerful force push. But once again there was no one there except a slight wind that blew the dried leaves upon the ground.

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