Chapter 39

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"Kylo, listen to me, they—"

"They are the ENEMY Nyx! What do you expect us to do? Walk in there an ask them for help and hope that they will say yes? No! We can fight Snoke ourselves. We don't need their help! W—!"

"That is ENOUGH!" Nyx silenced him with her glowing amber eyes and bared fangs. "If we were to fight the Stormtroopers with just our arrows and knifes, the death toll would be catastrophic. The Resistance has better technology and fire power than the Murvanians."

"What is wrong with you?! Are you insane?! You are  destroying the very thing we have been trying so hard to create." Kylo raked his hand through his hair and let out a frustrated grunt. He started to pace back and forth.

"I want my people to live, Kylo. I want them to prosper, and thrive—grow. If that means destroying what we have been trying to create, then I am willing to sacrifice that for my people," Nyx said coolly. Her eyes were hard but calm and steady.

He stared at her incredulously. "Something has changed in you, Nyx, and I'm not sure whether I like it or not."

Her lip curled into a snarl and she got right into his face, her index finger jabbing at his chest angrily. "Listen here, Ren: I don't care whether or not you support this idea but here, I'm the queen. I decide the future for my people. And I suggest you get used to this little "change" in me, because you are going to be seeing it a lot." Giving him one final glare, she shoved past him, making sure to hit him with her shoulder while doing so.


When she stormed back to the makeshift camp, Ora awaited her with her hands planted firmly on her hips. One of her brows was raised and her head was tilted slightly to the side.

"Who tugged on your tail?" She smirked but it faded when she saw Nyx's expression. "What?"

And so Nyx explained her plan. Ora looked at her the entire time, her face expressing no emotion whatsoever. When she finished telling her about the plan, she gave in and told her about the small fight between her and Kylo.

"He's just so—so—stubborn," Nyx said in frustration. "I don't think he gets what's at stake here. The very existence of our species is at risk."

Ora snorted. "You can be stubborn as well, Sister. It's not just Kylo."

Nyx threw her hands up in the air in exasperation and let out a groan. "Will no one listen to me?"

"Nyx, Nyx I was just teasing you. Sister?" She ignored her sister's calls as she stormed off and swung herself onto a Hydrith's back. "I didn't mean to offend you!"

"Ya!" She said, squeezing the creature's sides with her heels. The Hydrith swung it's head and reared, before galloping off, away from the camp, its two long tails swinging behind it.


The warm breeze made the long grass she was sitting in sway back and forth lazily. The sky was a brilliant blue and flowers were blooming all around her in a variety of different colors.

It was peaceful. It was a place where she could be alone, away from frustrations and away from stress.

She sighed and laid back in the grass, listening to the rustling of grass stalks and the crunching of the Hydrith, who stood a ways away, as it munched on the thick green stems of the flowers contentedly.

This was exactly what she needed: Place and quiet.

Nyx  out a sigh and looked up at the clouds, allowing her eyes to become heavy as sleep called to her. It wouldn't hurt to take a small nap...maybe...maybe...

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