Chapter 24

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"The dark side has corrupted you, child."


Nyx found herself drifting off to sleep, and she welcomed it with open arms. Perhaps, for the first time in over two weeks, she could actually sleep peacefully for once. But then, she felt herself falling. She opened her mouth to scream, but she soon felt her body land onto something hard. Wincing in pain, she looked around and found herself to be a large room and sitting at a large rectangular table, laden with food. Sitting across from her was a woman with grey hair, and warm brown eyes that had wrinkles in the corner of them. The light that radiated from her was sickening. Next to the older woman sat the Scavenger rat, Rey. Nyx's lips curled in disgust as she noticed that the Resistance pilot Kylo had interrogated was there as well, along with that Traitor FN-2187, or Finn as he liked to call himself.

Where was she? And why were her enemies surrounding her? What type of a dream was this? It was more like a nightmare actually.

"So, when will the child be due?" The woman sitting across from her asked with a huge smile on her face. What?! What child? Who's child? What was happening? She nearly jumped out of her seat when she felt a hand touch hers.

"The medical droids estimated about three months." Nyx's mouth opened and closed like a gasping fish as she noticed Kylo sitting next to her. She looked down at her stomach under the table and saw that she was, indeed, pregnant.

"I am just so happy for you two," The woman said smiling joyfully at both of them.

"We are too." Nyx's lips seemed to move of their own accord and her hand squeezed Kylo's. Was Kylo the father? "Thank you, all of you, for the wonderful support you have given us."

"Yeah, no problem," The Pilot said giving her a lopsided grin.

"Anything for my sister." Ora?! Nyx looked over to her left and found her white-haired sister grinning at her. Why was her sister here as well? What was this?

"Have you decided on a name yet?" The scavenger, Rey, asked eagerly.

Nyx rubbed her stomach and Kylo kissed her on the cheek. She went red. "If it is a boy we have decided on the name, Han. And if it is a girl, we are going to name it Adiss, after my mother."

The woman seemed to tear up a little bit. "Naming the child after your father is very thoughtful, Ben."

Wait, was this woman the General of the Resistance? Hatred bubbled inside of her. This was the woman she wanted to kill. This was the woman that ordered the genocide of her race.

"You have both come so far." An older man sat down next to the General and patted her on the back. "I could sense the light in both of you." Skywalker-she wanted to run her blade through his chest.

"Well, with Snoke now gone, the Galaxy can once again be at peace," Kylo said, smiling at Nyx and Nyx found herself smiling back at him. Her hand then went down to her glass and she lifted it.

"To peace and victory."

The others repeated their words and everyone clinked their glasses together. Nyx had never felt so much joy in one room before.

But then, everything began to blur and blend together as if some force was smearing the images. And Nyx felt herself once again, falling...falling...

Her feet hit the ground hard and she nearly fell, but she somehow kept her balance. She looked around at her surroundings and saw that everything was on fire-crashed X-Wings, destroyed TIE Fighters, the forest, and what remained of what looked like a Resistance base. She looked down around her and saw the dead, or dying bodies of Stormtroopers, and Resistance soldiers. Her feet moved on her own-forward and through the smoke and wreckage. Her hand gripped the hilt of one of her lightsabers tightly, and she was dressed in her usual black Sith clothing that was spattered with blood. Her hood was drawn up, and her mask covered her nose and mouth.

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