Chapter 4

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"War does not make one great."


Nyx became Darth Nyx only a day later. She was appointed a commander of the First Order as well, and a partial leader of the Knights of Ren, much to the reluctance of Kylo. But over the years, she and him became almost friends-sometimes even joking around with eachother at times. The years past and both apprentices-Nyx had been eighteen when she had arrived-grew older, more powerful, and much more skilled in the art of combat. At least Nyx had. Kylo had decided to give her all his Holocrons, and from them she studied the seven combat forms: Shii-cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien, Niman, and Juyo becoming a master at the mix of Ataru, Niman, and Juyo which she called Gaiyo.

Only a year into her training, she was granted the gift of making herself a lightsaber. And from the parts that Snoke gave her, she made two lightsabers from white alloy metal and a black and white grip. They both connected together to form a double bladed lightsaber. She had gotten the idea from a holocron she had studied about a dark Jedi called Asaj Ventress.

A new First Order general was appointed by the Supreme Leader that was called General Hux—he was a stiff young man with slicked back orange hair that matched his fiery temper, pale skin, pale blue eyes, and a permanent scowl on his face. Although he was annoying and hot headed at times, Nyx had respect for the General. He was a good leader and not a bad warrior at times.

But Nyx had a secret. Snoke had told her to let go of her past and look towards the future but she hadn't. While raiding a Tatooine village in search of a Resistance base, Nyx had stumbled across a leather bound sketchbook, about twelve inches tall and seven inches long. Deciding to take the book, she took it back to her chambers, where she took on the art of drawing. She drew people she knew, places she had seen, places she wanted to see...everything that was on her mind was drawn. That included Kylo Ren. While she knew that attraction was forbidden, she couldn't help but stare. Ever since that moment where he had shown his face to her, she was been ever so slightly attracted to him with his deep brown eyes, dark slightly curled hair that was just barely above his shoulders, prominent cheekbones, and pale skin...but affection was forbidden.

Nyx had another secret that she dared not share with the Supreme Leader. The day where she had been fighting with Kylo in her chambers and they had slammed their force powers against each other, they created a Force Bond-allowing them to speak to each other telepathically, access emotions, and thoughts. Nyx didn't think it was a wise idea to tell the Supreme Leader, in fear that he could be angry and punish them.

While Nyx grew wiser and more powerful with her teachings, Kylo became more erratic, sometimes even throwing tantrums which mainly involved him destroying whatever was close to him, much to Nyx's dismay. He tended to lash out often; Nyx had heard multiple accounts of where he had accidently strangled and officer to death, or broken a Stormtrooper's neck. It was her job to calm him down, even if that meant getting her head almost cut off on multiple occasions. Not only was he temperamental, but he had also become obsessed with finding the legendary Luke Skywalker. Sometimes, he stayed up all night looking for clues to his whereabouts. Nyx knew when he did this for there would be dark circles under his eyes, and his hair would be messy.

But then it happened- something that would change everything. Nyx was striding through the halls when she noticed a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head just in time to see a leg disappear around a corner. Quickly changing directions she followed it around the corner and saw a man running down an empty corridor. A grin flashed across her lips and she took a left which led down a hall that would eventually cut him off. She had spent eleven years living on both the Finalizer and Starkiller base; she had both of them nearly memorized.

The man skidded to a halt when he saw her standing in front of him only about thirty feet down the deserted hallway. She saw his Adam's apple bob in his throat and she smirked as her eyes flickered to the Resistance symbol on his vest. How foolish. He looked to only be about twenty, perhaps younger.

"Young man, what are you doing?" She called snidely while at the same time, she spoke telepathically to Kylo using the mindlink they had developed. Kylo, there's a Resistance fighter on board, come quickly. She sensed his alarm and hate. "Did you really think that you could sneak on to the Finalizer? This is the Star Destroyer of the leader General Hux himself." She hated making the red headed general sound so mighty. "Do you even know who is aboard this ship?" She had to keep him in the same spot until Kylo came. The young man shook his head fearfully. "Kylo Ren is on this ship along with me, Darth Nyx." His face visibly paled as she took a few steps closer and ignited one of her lightsabers with a hiss. A whimper escaped his lips and he turned and sprinted away from her down the hall. She cursed and put away her lightsaber before lashing out with the force with her palm facing towards the terrified man, who froze in mid-run.

Where are you? Kylo's voice echoed in her head. I'll kill him myself.

No, Nyx said firmly. He could contain vital information about the Resistance. He may be of use to us. There was no reply from him.

"State your business here," She demanded. "And I may yet spare your life."

The man, frozen, sniffled. "I came here to rescue me friend. She's a prisoner here."

Nyx leaned forward and her eyes glowed amber for a second before she hissed, "You're lying. The prison chamber is that way." She pointed down the hall in the opposite direction. The blast doors down the hall in front of them opened and Kylo Ren appeared, storming down the corridor.

"I don't appreciate Resistance fighters onboard this ship," he stated stopping in front of the man who was still frozen in mid-stride. His black boot tapped the ground. "Nor do I approve of liars. Now, I'll say this once: Why are you aboard this ship?"

Unfreeze him. Nyx obeyed and let him have mobility of his body once again.

"I-I-I-" The man's stuttering was cut off as he was lifted into the air clawing at his throat where an invisible hand was choking him.

"Answer me!"

"I-" gag "-was-" cough "-trying-" gasp "-steal-plans-for-your-BASE!" Kylo dropped his body to the floor where he lay gasping and coughing. Nyx knelt down beside him.

"Poor boy—I know it was scary, but if you had just told him sooner it would've never happened," She said in a falsely sweet voice with a hint of sneer. "Oh, don't be relieved. We still have some use for you." She leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "I know you have more information in that piteous mind of yours. I don't care how I have to take it out; whatever is stored in there will be brought up to the surface either willingly or not willingly. The choice is yours to make. Either way, I will get that information with or without your cooperation."

Nyx's lightsabers above ☝☝

Hey guys, author speaking here. Thanks for choosing to read this. I've been brainstorming it for a few weeks before I decided to post it. If I don't update soon that probably means I'm busy with school work hey, I do have a life outside of writing you know. So please, remember to

And recommend

It is all very much appreciated. Sorry if this is quite a short chapter, this part was mainly to catch up on her life leading up from the past to the present time of TFA. And YES, this IS a Kylo Ren fanfiction/Lovestory. The chemistry between Nyx and Kylo won't happen till later. I'm not one of those people who have their characters immediately fall in love, I like to take it slow. So don't hate me for it! Love you guys


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