Chapter 34

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Hey guys, so this chapter is going to be very short to make way for the battle, which will be in the next chapter. Just to let you know so you're not like, "WHAT IS HAPPENING?! AAAAAAAAH!"


"The battle had begun."


"Commander Nyx—" an officer  jogged over to her "—Commander Ren says that the the Knights of Ren have just arrived." he informed her.

Nyx's lips curled and her black leather-gloved hands balled into fists. She had been dreading this moment for a while now. Swallowing down the urge to growl, she turned swiftly on her heal and headed off towards the meeting chamber.


There was complete silence as the two doors opened and Nyx entered with her arms folded across her chest. All six members stared at her, waiting for her to begin.

"Shall we begin?" When no one answered, she clapped her gloved hands together and stalked forward, not missing the cold glare Catala, who was sitting in the back, shot at her. Nyx pulled a small chip from a small pocket and slid it into the side of a holo-emitter in the middle of the very large table. There was a soft clicking noise, and then a hologram of the resistance base suddenly popped up. "The First Order has sent down dozens of probe droids. Thanks to their feedback we have pinpointed the exact location of the base."

"And why exactly have we been summoned here?" One of the knights asked.

She opened her mouth to respond but Kylo cut her off. "The droids have sent back estimates of how large their numbers have grown. It seems that because of the destruction of Starkiller Base, more people have decided to join their ranks."

"This fight will be a little harder than normal," she added, "and that is why my people are joining us: they will catch the Resistance by surprise. Ren and I have planned out the attack." She stepped closer to the hologram. "First, I will send in the air assault with all of you leading them. Hopefully that will distract the pilots. The ground assault will follow, along with my people. Then I will lead another air assault." She grinned. "The resistance won't know what hit them."

The holo-emitter clicked off.


A soft breeze rustled the leaves in the trees. It was such a nice day—no one would ever expect an attack.

Nyx grasped the reins on Antaru's bridle as she led her people and her troops closer to the Resistance base. The armor that protected her dragon's neck and the battle claws that covered his talons clinked.

She and Kylo had the Finalizer stationed a ways away so the Resistance couldn't see, she had her troops walk instead of ride on ships. The TIE Fighters were still on the Finalizer, waiting for her orders.

The tall grass swayed in the breeze as they marched forwards.

"Resistance Base in sight Commander," reported a stormtrooper.

She nodded; her thoughts were elsewhere. Kylo was still on the Finalizer. He would arrive on the Shuttle when the battle started.

I can sense that you're thinking about me.

She smiled. I was.

Miss me already?

Nyx sighed and hushed Antaru as he growled at a couple of birds. Perhaps.

"Resistance base is five klicks away, commander."

This was it—this is what she had been waiting for.

"On my signal," she told him before she squeezed Antaru's sides and flew up onto a cliff ledge where they would watch the battle unfold. The other riders flew up beside her. When she had steadied her breathing, she held up one hand and held it out in front of her.

In perfect sync, the stormtroopers straightened and marched towards the unsuspecting base.

The battle had begun.

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