Chapter 31

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Media: Becoming one with Neytiri—By Jack Horner

Warning: Slight mature content ahead

"They were one."

(Play music now!)


Through the forest the two ran- Over small streams, under the canopies of huge trees with just the pale light of the early morning lighting their way. Nyx glanced behind her every once and a while to see how Kylo was doing and she gave him a look of surprise with she saw that he was easily keeping up with her. It seemed his training was paying off after all.

"Come, Kylo!" She laughed, grabbing his hand and leading him through the woods. The sound of birds chirping in the trees made her grin and she ran faster. Up ahead she could see that there was a small cliff and she smirked as she easily grabbed hold of a branch from above her and swung her body across. Kylo grunted as he copied her and his landing was a little bit sloppier than her's, but the two continued to run through the woods laughing and giggling with their fingers entwined together. Their feet pounded against the soft soil. He could hear his heart thudding in his chest and ears, yet he didn't feel the least bit tired. On the contrary, he felt exhilarated.

"Where are we going?" He asked. But Nyx had let go of his hand and leapt off of another cliff, this one was high up and he could see a fog down below. "Nyx!"

A large form suddenly flew up into the sky and Kylo quickly got the idea. Muttering to himself, he ran forwards and leapt off of the cliff as well. He closed his eyes, what if Nafiti wasn't there? What if-?

His body made contact with something solid and he let out an, "Oomph!" Beneath him, Nafiti almost made a laughing sound. Ignoring his dragon, he grabbed hold of the reins and followed Nyx through the clouds where they soared high through the sky, over hills and mountains. He followed her as they rose higher, until he felt the clouds on his skin. The forest lay beneath him as the sun rose higher into the sky and he felt free, like he could do whatever he wanted. He glanced over at Nyx and saw her holding out her arms on either side of her body with a contented smile on her face and her eyed closed. The wind blew her black hair back and her clothes whipped in the wind. She looked so beautiful.

Suddenly he felt a raindrop fall on his head and he heard Nyx squeal.

"Follow me; I know a place that is dry." She led him down into the forest and into dense underbrush. "We are going to have to leave our dragons here." Kylo nodded and patted Nafiti's back as he slid from her. He continued to follow her until they reached a small cave opening. Blinking, he followed her inside the cave, which was actually quite large, considering the small entrance.

"I come here all the time to meditate and think," Nyx said brushing a strand of wet dark hair out of her face. Crystals covered the walls and stalactites hung from the cave ceiling. There was a poof noise as Nyx made a fire. "I bring wood in here in case I'm in need of shelter. I also have two blankets in case you are cold-" She gasped as Kylo walked up to her in a few easy strides. His hand-his actual hand without gloves-touched her face and she felt herself lean into his touch. His warmth was intoxicating, But then she pushed him away. "I cannot Kylo."

"Why not?" He asked softly. "Are you afraid?"

"No," She denied defensively, folding her arms across her chest."I am not afraid."

Kylo cocked his head to the side. "You are afraid, you're trembling."

"I-I just don't...know how," She admitted in a whisper. "I don't know how to love another, Kylo. No one has ever showed me how."

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