Chapter 38

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"I'm not a pawn in your game."


Everyone felt the rage and hatred radiating from her as she stormed through the hallways of the Finalizer.

An unlucky stormtrooper accidently stood in her pathway and she easily flung him into the wall.

"Get out of my way!" She screamed at all those around her. Officers and soldiers scurried away from her in fear but Hux refused to move out of her path.

"And just where are you headed?" The redheaded general asked suspiciously. "And why are your garments so dirtied?" Realization seemed to  dawn on his face, and Nyx thought she saw a bit of sympathy flicker across his features but it was gone before she could blink. "If you want an audience with the Supreme leader, you will have to come back later." As he went to walk away, Nyx grabbed his arm. He gave her a surprised look.

"Hux...this is urgent. I must speak to him privately." If anything, Hux's scowl worsened. "Please."

The two stood there for a moment, looking eachother in the eye. The general looked down at the ground and sighed. "I will see what I can do."


It was two hours later when Hux knocked on the door to her chambers. Not waiting for her permission to enter, he walked in and nodded slowly. His eyes were downcast.

"The...Supreme Leader is willing to hear you speak."

Nyx breathed out an stood from where she had been sitting. "You have my deepest gratitude, General, and I thank you."

But as she went to walk past him, he put a hand on her shoulder; it was shaking slightly.

"I had no choice but to order that attack. Orders are know that." Instead of the usual cold hard expression he usually wore, Nyx saw sympathy, and understanding in his pale eyes.

She bowed her head. "Yes...I do." And then she brushed past him before heading off down the hall.

"And Nyx," his voice called behind her. She stopped and her ears pricked beneath her hood. "I'm sorry...I really am. I hope you can forgive day."

She didn't answer and continued to walk away from him.


"Why?!" She screamed at him. "WHY?! You killed hundreds of my people! Why, master, why?!"

"You needed to be taught a lesson, my Apprentice," Snoke said calmly and simply. He pointed a long gnarled finger at her chest. "I sense the light, growing within you. I need to know where your loyalties lie."

"With you Master," she sputtered. "I serve you and the First Order, only!"

"You have one Month to show me if you're really loyal to me—if you are truly a Sith. If you fail to do so, I will send another army. And this time, I will make sure to wipe out your entire race."

"Master—!" Nyx cried in horror. "How am I supposed to do—?"

"Do not disappoint me again, Darth Nyx." His hologram flickered and then disappeared, leaving her alone in the darkness, lost for words.


Her fist smashed into the mirror in her refreshing chamber. Shards of metal flew around her, cutting into her cheeks and hands. Blood oozed down her arms and tears streamed down her face. Letting out a sob she fell to her knees and curled up on the floor of the Refresher Chamber. Her mask and Hood had been thrown on the ground carelessly and her long dark hair cascaded down her back. Blood crusted on her nails and sobs wracked her body.

She felt betrayed. She felt hurt, deserted, alone. Her master didn't care about her people—he didn't care about her. Was she just a puppet? A toy? She looked at her blooded arms, as if imagining strings tied to them.

"No..." she choked out. "I am not a puppet—I am not a pawn in your game, Master." Nyx pressed her shaking hand to her chest. The light was growing stronger and the darkness was receding. She closed her eyes. For so many years she had fought against the light...hating it....but  now...maybe it was time to let it in. Nyx opened her eyes and stood up. "I'm sorry Master," she murmured, "but I cannot let you hurt my people...not this time. And I will not let you control me." Then she swept out of the room. But not without forgetting her mask and Hood.


"So what did the supreme leader say?" Ora asked anxiously. "Did he tell you why he attacked us?" When Nyx didn't supply her with an answer she sighed "Sister?"

"Ora...can I please talk to Kylo alone? It's private," Nyx asked softly, not looking her older sister in the eye.

Ora sniffed and gave an annoyed huff. "Very well, but I want to know too sister."

When she had walked away, Nyx grabbed Kylo's arm and led him to a cliff overhanging where they were away from her people. "Kylo, I need to talk to you. And I don't think you're going to like what I'm about to tell you."

His brows furrowed and he caressed her cheek tenderly. "You can tell me anything. We need to be honest with eachother, Nyx."

Nyx took a deep breath and leaned into his touch. "The Supreme leader has given me one month to prove my loyalty to him. If I do not prove it to him in time, he will attack again with and even bigger army than before. Kylo, he is angry with me...and you. He says that we have been weakened by the light that is growing from within is. Attacking my people was our punishment."
When she was finished, she looked up at Kylo with a worried look on her face. "What are we supposed to do?"

Kylo snarled. "We don't do anything at all."

"What?" Nyx exclaimed. "But my people will die if nothing is done!"

"No...we fight them. You said in one month they'll attack, yes?"

"I did, yes."

"Well in one month, we will attack them. Prevent them from hurting the families," Kylo said.

For a few minutes, Kylo and Nyx didn't say anything to eachother. Until she muttered something to herself.

"What?" Kylo glanced at her with raised brows.

"We are going to need more fire power if we are to attack the First Order. Their technology is far more advanced than ours," Nyx said thoughtfully. And then she grimaced And shook her head. "No...that's ridiculous...they hate us. They are our enemy."

"What are you talking about?" Kylo asked, folding his arms across his chest. "What are you trying to say."

It looked like Nyx was trying to think about her next words carefully. "You won't like it."

"Try me."

"You would be against it."

"Tell me first."

"Are you sure?"


"Very sure?"



"Yes! Nyx just tell me!" He gave her an irritated glare.

Nyx bit her lip and sighed. "We must ask the Resistance for help."


Oh my god I hit 1K! Thank you guys so much. You don't know how much this means to me!

Remember to....



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May the force be with you,


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