Chapter 29

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"I cannot deny my feelings for you as well."


The shuttle landed inside the enormous hangar and the ramp lowered. Anxiety began to rise inside of her and she tried to steady her rabid heartbeat. Who knew what was in store for them.

Everything will be fine. She heard Kylo's voice echo in her mind and she started. I'm sure the Supreme Leader will be pleased at what we have found. They descended down the ramp with two stormtroopers saluting them on either side.

I hope you're right, she murmured walking alongside him. As they strode through the halls she noticed the surprised glances of Officers and Stormtroopers. The officers seemed to pale as she glared at them and they shrank away with fear. What happened in the shuttle will never be spoken of-am I clear? Nyx didn't know what had come over her back then. She had almost felt like an animal, as if something deep inside of her had taken hold of her actions. Her body still tingled.

Very much so.

"Where the hell you you two been?!" Hux came storming down the corridor. His nostrils flared and his anger matched his hair. He was so angry that Nyx was surprised his orange hair didn't burst into flames. "The Supreme Leader is furious. You have not reported for several days!"

"Where we have been is none of your concern," Nyx said in a deadly calm voice. Her eyes narrowed into slits.

"It is my concern when the Supreme leader will have my head if you don't report immediately!" Hux retorted angrily. "You are as much as my responsibility as you are the Supreme Leader's."

A growl rumbled in her throat as she leaned forward and hissed, "I answer to no one. Especially not to some red headed, pale skinned rodent."

"How dare you!" Hux yelled furiously. "I am the General of the First Order and you will show me some respect!" He looked like he was about to explode.

Nyx's lip curled. "Who says that I will?" The tension was thick.

"Don't test me."

"Could you please move aside, I believe Snoke wishes to see us immediately and I know he doesn't like people to be late...I think you know how he is...personally," Nyx said smartly.

Hux's lip curled and his jaw clenched but he moved out of her way but rather reluctantly.

Nyx shoved past him and they walked down through the halls to the newly made hologram chamber. The old one had been destroyed when the Resistance attacked the old base on the snow planet.

"You seem on edge," Kylo noticed, his mechanical voice was deep. "Are you nervous? Hopefully we will not be too mad when he hears about what we have found."

Nyx remained silent as they came to the hologram door. Immediately it slid open with a loud hiss, revealing a dark sterile room, much like the old one except smaller.

A small whirring sound could be heard and Snoke's huge hologram form appeared. He sat in his throne with his his long gnarled fingers tapping against the armrests. His scarred and mutilated face was brimming with anger.

"Where have you been?" Nyx wanted to recoil at his cold grating voice and she quickly sealed off the bond between her and Kylo.

"We are sorry Supreme leader," Kylo apologized, bowing his head.

"Do not beg for forgiveness with me," Snoke growled angrily. His eyes narrowed.

Nyx spoke up for Kylo. "Supreme Leader, Ren and I have found a planet inhabited with my people whom I thought were dead."

This seemed to catch his interest. "And how, exactly, did you find this information?"

She swallowed. Something told her that Snoke would not want to hear about her dream encounter with her dead mother. So she decided to lie...partially. "It came to me in a vision, Master. I was meditating and received images of the planet and the environment."

"She speaks the truth, Master," Kylo said, backing up her story. "Her people are intelligent and excellent warriors."

"The Murvanians, my people, would be a valuable asset to the First Order. They are hungry for revenge and are willing to pledge their loyalties to you," Nyx added. She noticed how something sparked in Snoke's pale glassy eyes: greed and a lust for power. She knew how much he wanted to rule the Galaxy and he was not afraid to sacrifice the lives of her people if he had to. Something inside of her found it absolutely sickening and another told her that he was her master and she needed to be obedient and serve him.

"If what you say is true, then the Murvanians could help bring the First Order to Victory," Snoke said thoughtfully. He sat still for a minute as he thought and let the gears turn in his mind. "Yes, yes indeed they could help us."

"Then you accept my proposal?" Nyx asked slowly and hesitantly.

He looked down at her and she watched in horror and dismay as his scarred lips lifted up on one side. Her master was actually smirking at her. It was probably the most disturbing thing she had ever seen. And she had seen some very disturbing things in her life.

"Indeed I do," Snoke confirmed. The "smirk" vanished and he waved a gnarled finger. "Go now-report back to me in a fortnight. I want them to be ready to attack the Resistance base in a month." His hologram flickered and then disappeared, leaving them alone in the huge sterile chamber.


They were silent on the way back to Moethris. The only sound was of Nyx's sketching pencils against her sketchbook paper. Kylo set down his helmet and sat down across from her in the lounge in the back of the shuttle.

"Teach me," he suddenly said, breaking the silence and causing Nyx to look up from her drawing with surprise on her face.

"Teach you?" She asked in confusion. "What do you mean by that?" Nyx set her sketchbook and pencils down next to her.

"Teach me the Murvanian ways," he said leaning forward and clasping his hands together on his lap.

She tilted her head to the side and eyed him strangely. "You want teach you the ways of being a Murvanian?" A look of disbelief crossed her face and she shook her head. "Why?"

"I want to learn how the Murvanian people live. I want to study their culture. Your race is unlike any I've ever seen before, Nyx. From the way you walk and move, to the way you speak," he explained.

"Even if I do..." Nyx murmured, her eyes trained on the ground. "It will not be easy." She looked back down at the ground again and furrowed her dark brows. "Something tells me that you want to be with me more, and not just learn about my people." His eyes widened. "I cannot deny my feelings for you as well, Kylo. But if we are to remain the Supreme Leader's obedient and faithful apprentices, we must not form attachments."

"I understand."

She smirked and chuckled. "Very well. Your training shall commence immediately."


Yes I know this was a short chapter but I assure you, the romance is beginning now. And I have some excellent romance and battle music ready to post so get ready!

Remember to.....



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May the force be with you,


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