Chapter 36

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Warning: contains some sexual content


"I love you."


Everything was blurry as her eyes slowly opened. Her memory began to return to her and she looked up to see Kylo looking down at her, his mask off.

"You're awake," he said, a wry smile formed on his lips. "Thank the Force you're not human."

She gave him a strange look along with a raised eyebrow.

"If a human received a cut like yours, they would have surely died of blood loss. But it seems that gash that was inflicted upon you is halfway healed already," he elaborated.

"Is the battle over?" Nyx asked quickly. "Has the enemy been defeated?"

"The enemy fled," Ora said. "But I managed to put a tracker on one of their ships." She grinned proudly and removed the cloth was placed over Nyx's arm. "Ah, your wound is nearly healed."

"What of the Scavenger and Skywalker?" Nyx looked at the gash that was healing before her eyes. "Did they escape?"

Ora nodded and patted her on the shoulder. "Unfortunately yes. Should we plan for another attack?"

"No," Nyx said. "How many losses did we suffer?" She shuddered. How many of her people were killed in battle? How many family members were lost?

"Hardly any," Ora said. "But we did lose a large amount of Hydriths." She coughed. "So...are the two of you....together?"


"Are you and...." she pointed at Kylo, "....together? Or was that just to shut him up?"

"Excuse me?" Kylo raised and brow and then chuckled. "And to answer your question...I'm not sure. She hasn't told me yet." He looked down at her. And Nyx lifted her lips and kissed him. Her good arm reaching up and wrapping around his neck. When they separated, she gave him a sly smile.

"What do you think?"

He looked stunned and blinked a couple times. "I believe that answered your question, Ora."


There was a great feast that night. Fresh fruits and vegetables were served along with crunchy breads and cooked meats. The happiness was overwhelming as dancing ensued with the woman waved brightly colored cloths around and jingled glittering gold and silver colored bells.

Drumbeats filled air as people joined in the dance. Bodies swirled and people laughed merrily.

"Are you going to dance sister?" Ora asked throwing her a rectangular piece of red and gold colored cloth. She caught with with one and hand and gave her sister a look.

"I told you, Ora: I don't dance." She yelped as her sister grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her to her feet. "Ora!"

"Come on, Sister. It will be fun!" And then her sister disappeared into the dancers.

Nyx felt awkward as she stood in the the middle of the throng of dancers. She sighed and looked down at the red and gold cloth that she held in her hand. The gold that lined the outside of it shimmered in the light.

Maybe for a little while, she thought to herself. Slowly, she allowed her body to sway to the music. And then she felt her arms raise into the air and start to wave the cloth back and forth. Her feet started to move in sync with the other dancers and she twirled around and around. Her long dark hair, whipped around in her face and she jumped into the air at the same time the other woman did, her arms held high up in the air.

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