Chapter 19

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"It is you..."


Nyx landed the shuttle in a clearing and activated the ramp.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" Kylo asked from the back as he clipped his lightsaber onto his belt. "We don't know the terrain of this planet nor do we know the real reason your mother sent you here."

"I guess we'll have find out why," Nyx said securing her hood over her head and tightening the straps on her black boots. "Let's go. I want answers and I intend to find them." Not waiting for a reply, she brushed past him and descended the metal ramp.

The air was mildly humid and comfortably warm. And there was a soft wind that blew the leafy green trees.

"It doesn't seem very dangerous," Kylo commented. "It's quite peaceful actually."

But Nyx wasn't admiring the scenery—she was looking for a sign. Anything that could point her in the right direction.

"Looking for something?" He queried and Nyx shook her in aggravation.

"I expected a sign in some way or form. I don't understand." The confused and frustrated woman paced back and forth with her hands clasped behind her back. "This doesn't make any sense. Why would my mother summon me here? She told me that she wanted me to see something." Throwing up her hands in exasperation she yelled at the sky, "Tell me!"

"Just...give it time. Perhaps she wants you to figure it out," Kylo said sitting down on a log. "Be resourceful—meditate or something," He suggested.

Nyx cursed and turned around. "I don't have time to meditate Kylo. I want answers! What does my mother expect me to do? Sit around and—" She was cut off when she spotted the same glowing ball from earlier, hovering just about a foot above Kylo's head. Nyx stared at it with wide eyes. Then after a couple seconds the ball zoomed off into the forest. Quickly recovering from her moment of daze, she ran after it.

"Nyx!" Kylo called from behind her. "Where are you going?"

The woman didn't answer him and sprinted after the fast moving ball, dodging tree branches and jumping over rocks and logs. For a second, Nyx had a moment of déjà vu where she remembered the time when she was running through the snowy planet of starkiller base. The ball made a sharp turn to the right and Nyx easily followed it.

"Nyx!" His voice reached her ears and she quickly glanced over her shoulder to see him trying to keep up with her. She looked away and kept on running—following the ball of light through the forest. Guilt started to gnaw at the inside of her stomach as she left him behind in the dust. There was no way he could catch up with her, even if he was using Force speed. With her natural, inhuman running skills and her Force speed combined it was nearly impossible to beat her.

Nyx where are you? Why did you run off? She growled and pushed his presence out of her mind. But he instantly came back. What is going on? Is it something I said? Are you angry at me? That made her skid to her a halt. The guilt was too much. She couldn't leave him behind like that. They were partners, and they always would be.

I apologize; she said turning back around and running back for him. He didn't reply but she could feel his confusion and anger.

"Why did you run off like that?" Kylo demanded once she'd run back to him. "I thought we were supposed to work together on this."

She sighed and gave in, telling him about the glowing ball and how it showed her where to land and beckoned her into the woods.

Kylo folded his arms across his chest and opened his mouth to reply when something caused the bushes behind them to rustle.

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