Chapter 7

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"The First Order will rise."


Nyx knew that she should rest but her mind continued to stay awake, forcing her to keep her mind on her studies and the problems at hand. She typed something down on her data pad and slumped in her desk chair with her hand pinching the bridge of her knows. Her chambers were beginning to blur together and she fought to keep her eyes open but she could feel her eyelids slide shut and then she was drifting off into sleep.

Her eyes flew open and she quickly sat up in her seat. Just how long had she slept? She looked over at the holoclock hanging on the wall and sighed with relief. Only thirty minutes. That gave her enough time to finish with her studies and still have enough time to train with Kylo later. That is, if Kylo was feeling better by then. She took a deep breath and reached out with the force bond trying to touch Kylo's mind. His emotions hit her like a ton of bricks and she fought to keep her breathing steady. Fear, anger, hatred, terror, rage—all of them flooded into her mind. She yanked herself out of his head and leapt to her feet before exiting her chambers.

"FN-2199," She called out in a steady voice to the Stormtrooper who was marching in a group past her chambers. FN-2199, nicknamed "Nines" by his comrades, had always been one of her favorite Stormtroopers. He was loyal and obedient to the First Order and he was an excellent shooter. But she had never trusted his close friend, FN-2187. She didn't know why, but there was something...odd about him. Something that wasn't right.

"Yes sir?" He asked giving her small solute. Nyx crinkled her nose behind her mask. Sir—she was a woman not a man! But alas, she would not allow anyone except Kylo and the Supreme Leader call her Nyx.

"I want you to send a medical droid to Commander Ren's chambers."

"Yes sir." Nines gave her another salute and turned to walk away but Nyx quickly froze him in place and walked in front of him.

She stared deep into the eyeholes of his helmet before saying in a deadly voice, "Do not enter his chambers. That is for the droid to do alone. Heed my words Stormtrooper, for I do not like it when people disobey me—especially when they are done by a loyal trooper like you. Do you understand?"

"Y-y-yes sir."

"Good." She released him and dismissed him with a wave of her hand. But she didn't get far down the hall when a deep and grating voice reverberated through her skull causing her to lean against the wall.

"I await your presence."

Then it was gone and she was left gasping for air. Why did Snoke want to speak with her so suddenly? Whatever it was, it was important.

Filled with newfound importance, she briskly marched down to the hangar.

"You two," She barked pointing towards two Stormtroopers, "ready Kylo Ren's command shuttle."

"Yes sir." They both saluted her and climbed the shuttle's ramp with Nyx following close behind. "Where to sir?"

"Starkiller base," She said shortly. "I want no delays KN-2615, JB-007."

"Yes sir." The engines rumbled to life and Nyx sat down in the back as the shuttle leapt into light speed.

Kylo. She reached out to him with the mind link.

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